**** NEWS FLASH ****
The WTM’s Facebook Community Group —
2000 members and growing!
— Join now and become part of the
exciting, world-saving discussion! —
“It’s the place to be!”
“What an amazing floodlight this group is!...Honestly, this new world is here…!!”
“This is THE truth about us humans! It reveals a real, meaningful, immensely tragic, but heroic and finally triumphant story of FREEDOM.
love this group!”
Our Group is a wonderful, thriving community for discussing, exploring and sharing Jeremy Griffith’s completely redeeming, uplifting, healing and all-transforming breakthrough biological explanation of the human condition! So if you are not already a member, join now and share in all the excitement, inspiration and fellowship it is generating—and help transform the world because at last we truthfully and genuinely can!
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