Transcript of the World Transformation Movement Global Transformation Meeting, 3 October 2020
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Genevieve Salter: Hi everyone! A big, big, big, big, big, big, big welcome to another World Transformation Movement Global Transformation meeting. We’re just so thrilled to have you all here and especially those people that are new. These meetings are an opportunity for us to talk about Jeremy Griffith’s breakthrough explanation of the human condition and how it’s saved all of our lives and how it’s going to save the world.
For those of you that are new, I just thought I’d introduce everybody. I’m Genevieve Salter and next to me is Tony Gowing and behind us, we’ve got Pruey Westbrook, and everyone knows Tony Miall, all of your guardian, and Annie Williams. And in our production team, behind the cameras and everything, we’ve got Tess Watson and James Press, Neil Duns and Monica Kodet. So that’s all of us here and then everybody on screen.
It’s really wonderful to see you all and we’ve got some new people I can see up there [on the screen] as well, which is just fabulous, and we’ve got lots of people observing as well, so it’s a big roll up. For those of you who are participating, we really, really, really want you to get involved, so if you want to contribute at any time, just speak up, we’d love to hear from you.
So we’ll just get started. Our project is really getting underway and through all of our support we’re continually spreading the reach of these precious understandings ‘until soon it will spread like wildfire and set everything ablaze’, as [the French priest and philosopher] Teilhard de Chardin said the truth would, and which you can see from the absolutely amazing comments that this little precious gift to the world, THE Interview, is generating. [Genevieve holds up a copy of THE Interview booklet.]
Everything, everything, everything we could dream of will soon become a reality and our true selves will open up and live and flourish as we build a new world, saturated in selflessness, love and meaning. We are on the brink of absolute madness in the world, but everything turns around now and everyone transforms. The new world grows and grows alongside our wonderful worldwide WTM community—all of you. It will be ‘an ebullience of joy on planet Earth’ as Linda MacCarthy, who’s on the screen from our Dublin Centre, so beautifully said in her Centre video commendation.
And it really is growing. Since our last GTM in June, we’ve had 10 new Centres, so that makes it a total of 43 Centres now, which is incredible. Those new Centres are: New York, which was founded by Juan Ubiera; Uganda, founded by Dorian Mwesigwa; Southern Highlands in Australia, founded by Bella West; Wellington in New Zealand, founded by Simon and Heather Mackintosh; Antwerp in Belgium, founded by Raf Van Den Plas—hi Raf!; Nice in France, founded by Lucas Machlein, I hope I’ve pronounced that correctly; Gujarat in India, founded by Deepak Bhatt, who I think is on the screen somewhere as well; the Bay of Islands in New Zealand, founded by Greg Bray; and Richmond, Virginia, in the USA, founded by Pam Fairbanks. [Images of Centre websites and founders are shown.]
So yeah, fabulous, a lot of new Centres; it’s awesome and there are more people wanting to get Centres underway, so there should be more coming soon as well. [Read more about the opening of these WTM Centres on the WTM’s Community page.]
We haven’t put a newsletter out but there’s just so much wonderful activity happening in our Centres, so I just wanted to mention a few things. Firstly Mick Manolis, who’s the founder of our WTM Broome Centre, has written the most beautiful song, which a lot of you will have heard. He’s written it for our project, it’s called Heal The World and we just wanted to play this little snippet—it’s actually of Mick’s niece Tara Gower. She is a choreographer for Mick’s musical Bran Nue Dae and in this snippet you’ll see her teaching some aboriginal children from the Sacred Heart School in Broome. She’s teaching them a dance to heal the world. It’s just absolutely gorgeous. Mick’s mother was Aboriginal and he’s going to record his song with Aboriginal children singing the chorus in their language, so that will be just such a treat, and it’s just wonderful listening to them sing the words, ‘Truth, understanding, now can heal the world’. So we’ll just play that little snippet. [Video plays with Mick Manolis singing.]
Heal The World (music and lyrics by Mick Manolis)
Truth, understanding, it’s time to heal the world / Heal the deep psychosis in the world that’s torn/ Every man and women, every boy and girl / Truth, understanding, now can heal the world
Chorus: Heal the world [repeated eight times]
Truth, understanding, where is the light that shines / To lead us from the darkness of our ignorant minds / Our world, our Earth, is broken and we are lost for words / Truth, understanding, why not heal our world
Chorus: Heal our world [repeated eight times]
Truth, understanding, for every child that’s born / Heal the pain, the suffering in this tortured world / Love anticipated unto their opened eyes / Truth, love, understanding, no more cold cold lies
Chorus: Heal our world [repeated eight times]
Tony Gowing: That is so awesome. Where is Mick?
Genevieve Salter: Hey Mick.
Tony Gowing: That is so good Mick. That is just so bloody brilliant it’s not funny.
Mick Manolis, WTM Broome Centre: Hello everybody.
Genevieve Salter: Hi Mick, so great to have you.
Mick Manolis: I’ll just put my mic on, trying to work out…
Genevieve Salter: I love it when they go ‘truth’ [emulating the children crossing their arms over their chests], ‘understanding’ [emulating the children placing the hands on their temples]. So lovely. Perfect.
We’ll move on. The next thing I wanted to mention was the fabulous, fabulous compilation video of the Akritidis family from WTM Melbourne that’s on their Melbourne Centre website and it’s also on our new Transformation page [on the WTM website]. And it’s just a fabulous video with the Akritidis family all talking about how this brings us all together, and Linda [MacCarthy of the WTM Dublin Centre] is also on the Transformation page, she talks about how she wants to help young people, then Lucas [Machlein of WTM Nice] comes in after that talking about how much this has helped young people because it’s helped him so much, and it just flows so beautifully, it’s just really wonderful. So if you want some really exciting, special, bedtime reading or early morning reading, go to and have a look at Jeremy’s new writing there and these fabulous videos. Jeremy actually said that ‘the bit of writing is just the beginning of a whole lot of new writing I’m working on about how the real therapy of the human race is now possible, which is Freedom Essay 63: Pseudo Therapy and Freedom Essay 64: Real Therapy, but those incredible videos do show the power of this information to heal the world, that’s for sure. The super-duper ‘A’ family, the sublime Linda and the wonderful new world millennial Lucas.’ So that’s just an incredible contribution.
There are a few other things I wanted to mention, by no means this is a complete list of everything happening in our Centres, but THE Interview has been translated by all of you, into French, German, Dutch, Spanish and Afrikaans, which is really exciting. A big congratulations to everyone! And lots of our Centres are holding regular meetings together for the people in their centre, or group meetings with Centres near them, which is a really fabulous way to go. Everyone continues to talk about the information online and write just the most beautiful reviews. You are contributing wonderful snippets for your News pages [on Centre websites]. Lots of very generous donations. Sophie and Gerald are brushing up on their IT skills, as is Lucas, so that they can come and help us with the Centre websites to begin with and beyond, which is just a fabulous contribution. Our little firecrackers in Ballarat, Colleen and Ange, are spreading the new world everywhere. So [the books] FREEDOM, Transform Your Life and THE Interview are now in the Ballarat Library; they’ve got ads in their paper; they’re trying to get a slot on community radio; they’ve designed a flyer; and they do lots of reviewing—so, yeah, they’re doing so well. [WTM Cape Town Centre founder] James Moffett did a trip recently around South Africa, giving copies of FREEDOM along the way to his old school, and also took one to the Laurens van der Post Memorial in Philippolis.
Yeah, that was one of the other things I was going to say, the WTM merchandise, Nicoletta, especially in Melbourne, but lots of other people are designing T-shirts, which is just so good to see, we can see lots of them on the screen.
But it’s really wonderful to have a copy of FREEDOM in the [Laurens] van der Post Memorial, exactly where it should be. [WTM Cape Town member] John Mulder’s running monthly articles in his local paper—and loads and loads more things are happening, but that’s just a few.
Shortly, I will get Tony Gowing, who’s our new world frontier man, to talk about the Transformed Way of Living, but I thought I’d start by reading something that he said at a recent Sydney Transformation meeting, just to kick things off, because I think it’s a wonderful way to start. So this was in July this year. Tone said, ‘I’ve been thinking this week about just how complete the Transformation is, like how total it is. We all sort of wander around in a total fog about what we’re doing in our lives, but you know this information defends you and it doesn’t just defend you, it picks you up, it picks up the whole human race, the whole world that’s in absolute trauma, our whole lives are in absolute trauma and we’ve got no idea about how much trauma we’re in and how just terrible, terrible, terrible, terrible it is. And it just picks you up and it just moves you and places you in this completely 100% totally, absolutely, different paradigm. A holus bolus new situation. It’s nothing like the world that exists now. It’s like the sky will be a different colour in the new world. It’s just so different. That’s what we’re doing. That’s what we’re learning to do, is to pick ourselves up and use this information to transport ourselves to this completely new, absolutely drop-dead wonderful, free, totally free, really free, just excited blissful place where the details of our world, like as Jeremy says in FREEDOM [I’ll read what Tony’s referring to in a second] once the truth is up, we’ve understood it, the details are just nothing, there’s something so much better, ‘high on a desert plain’, it is magnificent where we are going. We get so caught up in how do I do the Transformed State, and we’re trying to do it right, and all this sort of stuff, which is natural, but the new world is so much bigger than that and it’s just so wonderful to be able to pick yourself up and go to a totally new place. It’s a new beginning. And now that we have understanding, we can just totally, totally, totally give up on every little piece of the denial-based activities that are happening on Earth and start again. And we just start again in total knowledge of what we are doing and it’s just perfect.’ That was pretty good wasn’t it?
And I thought I’d read a few of the bits from paragraphs 1246-1250 of FREEDOM that Tony was talking about. Jeremy says: ‘Yes, so much is going to change now…Science as a whole will be faced with changing from complying with the practice of denial to having to be honest…Basically, it won’t be long before all our libraries and academic institutions become museums…It is true. When understanding of the human condition arrives, as it has, every denial-based aspect of the whole world becomes redundant…For teachers at schools or universities, all the truth-avoiding, immensely superficial, basically dishonest, mechanistic ways of viewing the world will soon no longer be taught. The arrival of the actual understanding of the reason why humans are good and not bad will mean that materialistic goods that have been designed to make ourselves feel superficially better about our corrupted condition will, before long, be seen as meaningless and worthless. The whole basis of materialism has been undermined, made pointless and unnecessary. All our posturing and promenading and pretending will eventually lose its power to impress…and most relievingly for humankind, with its passing, all the suffering and destruction that went with it will also go. A whole new world now begins to open up across the world based on reconciling understanding and the Transformed Lifeforce Way of Living it makes possible. As I’ve said in every major document I have written since I started writing about the human condition over 40 years ago, ‘soon from one end of the horizon to the other will appear an army in its millions to do battle with human suffering and its weapon will be understanding’…It is true that humans are afraid of change, almost as much as we are of self-confrontation, and this information does bring about phenomenal change, a massive paradigm shift, but it is entirely manageable, most especially because the change is a positive paradigm shift, not a negative one—humanity is going from an extremely negative, absolutely awful paradigm, to an extremely positive, fabulously wonderful paradigm…With understanding of the human condition found, there is no longer any justification for staying in the old, lonely, effectively dead world. Before long everyone will be rolling their sleeves up and excitedly going to work for the absolutely fabulous, human-condition-understood, peaceful, reconciled, all-loving new world for humans.’
So, Tone.
Tony Gowing: I don’t even know how you follow that. Hearing from Jeremy is…I mean just being part of this meeting, the human condition solved, it’s just so, I’m not allowed to swear but I’m trying to think of some adjectives that I can use because it’s just so exciting. It is so exciting to be part of this and to know that it’s all over; that the hell on Earth is gone and it’s [the new world] growing.
Just seeing everybody on screen and seeing the comments that are coming in, literally daily now. Jeremy, he solved the human condition and he’s built a bridgehead, he’s built the WTM, he got an organisation, where we’ve got a lawyer, we’ve got people who are running businesses and stuff, it’s just incredible where this project is up to and what’s coming. We’ve got Centres around the world. I can barely sit still it’s so exciting, and on top of that, what Jeremy’s done for us in terms of, he’s done all of that, he’s set the table, he’s done everything, and finally after 45, 50 years, whatever it is, he’s given the world THE Interview and that’s what’s cracked it open. And that little document that goes for one hour and Craig [Conway, presenter of THE Interview with Jeremy Griffith, and WTM North East England founder], I don’t know if Craig’s here, I hope he is, it is just so amazing. This is going to save the world [Tony holds up THE Interview booklet], it is saving the world, it’s saving people every single day, it’s just the most amazing thing. I can’t believe he’s given us this. I can’t believe that it’s happening and we’re part of it. It’s too special for words. We’ve got to learn how to celebrate this and live it, and that’s our privilege. When you join the WTM you don’t have to do anything except start partying, because it’s just that good.
There is a, like Genevieve was just saying, there’s a new reality on Earth that Jeremy’s put before us. He’s this golden beam of light that’s striding across this black horizon and we just have to follow and be part of it and open our brains to it. This is all about understanding. It’s all about finally being able to understand ourselves and end the mind-trauma/psychosis that we live with and that’s what we’ve been given, and it truly, truly, is too much.
These things [meetings] are trying to talk about the Transformed State, trying to transform our lives from a situation where we haven’t been able to understand anything, we come into the world as children, we’re born and we’ve got a conscious thinking brain on our shoulders and we don’t have the computer program for this massive, awesomely, wonderful computer, but the chain of events that that sets off is just horrible, and it has been horrible for so, so, so long, for two million years, generation after generation after generation has had to fight and suffer just incredible, torturous, upset and pain, and angst, and worry, and insecurity, to finally get to this moment…and we’re here…and it is just amazing, and I don’t know any of you very well but I just love that we’re doing it together. I love that the human race is just such a brilliant bunch of people, and they only get a shit-load better when they get this information.
It’s a massively difficult job what we’re trying to do, it’s huge. We’re trying to turn the Amazon River around in its banks and send it back the other way. Humans have been so messed up for so long, it’s just so hard to go anywhere near the human condition, we’re so conditioned, we’re so scared of it. There’s so much confrontation, we’re so messed up, we are psychopaths, each and every one of us. So there’s a huge journey in being able to start to breakdown the fear and be able to go towards this most off-limits of subjects, and feelings and deep, core pain and fear that’s inside of ourselves and that’s what we have to do, and we have to do that together, and it is safe. We can finally do that now. Everything about what this book’s saying, is you can take every terrible thing about yourself, about the human condition, about the world, you can go towards it and you can think about it and you can cope, and that’s what we’ve never been able to do before. We can cope with all the problems, as hideous as they are, and we can sit with them, and we can actually love them and bring humanity back to life. And that, as I keep saying, that’s just such a bloody unbelievably wonderful thing.
That’s what our job is. We’ve got this job, we’ve got to take this [THE Interview], and every single journalist, and person should know about this booklet, and we should see it as our mission, task, responsibility in life to get this to every single person. It is the only way out. There is only one solution to the problems and it’s this [THE Interview] and obviously FREEDOM, and time is running out. [The world] is getting madder, it’s getting more horrible by the day, and we’ve got to do this and that’s what the Transformed State does, it allows us to get close enough to this really terrifying subject, to be able to sit with it and calmly take in what it’s saying and then calmly tell other people about it. Because that’s what has got to come out of the world, the fear and the horror and the insecurity is driving all the problems, so we have to take the fear out of it. We’ve got to be calm. We’ve got to be these beacons of light, follow Jeremy’s lead, in terms of, if Jeremy is sitting in any room on the planet, you just feel the whole area around him just calm, because finally there is an answer to all the problems and he’s telling you, all day and all night and that’s what it is in FREEDOM from start to finish, it’s just answer, after answer, after answer. It’s so calming, and it’s so relieving, but it does take time for us to allow ourselves to be part of that and to accept the truth, and to be able to be calm ourselves with it, so when we’re talking to people and when we’re, you know, telling people about it, we are giving off that same amount of calm, rational understanding of warmth and love and empathy and everything that every human on Earth is wanting to feel. And we can finally give that in a very, very true way. It’s not false anymore. We’re not having to pretend that we’re empathetic, or pretend that we’re nice people, or pretend that we’re not angry anymore. We have every right to be unbelievably furious, psychopathic, crazy people. That has been our task, and that’s ok. You can be absolutely furious with the world, the amount of mistreatment that every human has copped because of the human condition is just too much to bear, and obviously it is too much to bear, because none of us can live with it. None of us can stay near it, but that’s what we can do now. We can go near it. We can sit with it. We can look after it and soothe it, and we can take ourselves back to our original soul, our loving and cooperative instincts that we all so desperately want and need and are desperately looking for. [Human’s cooperative instincts are explained in Video/Freedom Essay 2: The false ‘savage instincts’ excuse]. And that’s our job in front of us, to take our lives from a life of furious running away, desperate sort of falseness…in the last [GTM] meeting, I showed the picture Jeremy did of the smiling, suave guy or whatever, with his mask out in front and then the monster behind, you know?
So we’ve got to allow ourselves to put our masks down, all the bullshit that we’re going to save the planet with planting more trees—or that we’re heroes in our Mercedes [cars] or whatever our mask is, that we’re nice people, that we’re funny jokers—that’s just all our front and we can put that down, that’s not real and we can finally be real. We can finally connect with each other and tell each other the truth and do that and finally communicate between each other in a very real way, and that is so unbelievable.
When I think about what the Akritidis family have done with the videos that have just gone on the Transformation page…Anna [Fitzgerald] and I were putting them up today…obviously Jeremy’s written it up so beautifully, it’s just amazing, but you go through those videos and the way they’re put together, but seeing what a new world family is going to be like is just too much and the fact that there is a family on Earth that is like that, is just…honestly, you can’t think about it too much because it’s too incredible. That there’s a father—and Ari [Akritidis], I mean he knows it, you watch his video, he says he’s a crazy psychopath—you know crazy psychopaths/power-addicts [psychologically] kill kids right, but the fact that someone can be that honest and that courageous that he’s lived out his life like that, and now has a path to be able to tell his children that that’s what’s been going on inside of himself is just…God, if you’re looking for progressive things on this planet, that is progressive. And finally children understand they’ve grown up with this horror, the whole time, and not just that but horror from the world, and then there becomes horror in themselves, and how do you live with that? And here there is information, like Alex [Akritidis] is talking about Resignation [see Freedom Essay 30], the most key psychological event in human life—there is not any other [person] than Jeremy talking about it, there is not another Resignation video on the planet that talks about it from a person who is sort of going through Resignation, it just hasn’t existed before and now it’s there, it’s on, we own that domain and it’s there. I love you Akritidises for doing what you’ve done, and to put those things out there, and to tell the world about how precious this is because it is so precious what is now on the internet for the entire world to see—that is like, if saving the world was a pyramid, it’s like a massive boulder in the right-hand corner of it or something that’s holding it up. It’s just awesome!
And you could choose anything that anybody in this meeting tonight is doing and you can say the same thing. What’s happening is ground-breaking, every single day, any tiny, little—they’re not tiny, that’s the thing—but anything to do with this project is just enormous. It’s the same with Lucas’s video, as in a young person other than the Akritidis, who’s just come from the other side of the world, and he said on his video, ‘Nope, stuff this, I’m not doing anything else, I’m going to save the world, I’m going out to Sydney, I’m packing my bags, I’m going to learn how to look after some computers or whatever it is because that’s what needs doing, or something that needs doing, and that’s what I’m going to do and that’s what I want to be a part of.’ And just think how many people, listless 20 year olds, or whatever, there are on planet Earth that he is telling, ‘Look, here’s the most important thing on the planet. It’s the only thing that can solve it. Come and help, come and be part of this. This is amazing.’ Think how amazing his [Lucas’s] life is going to be when he looks back at this moment and says to his 20-year-old self, ‘Jesus Christ that was a good idea.’ When he looks back and the whole world has changed and children are running down the streets just with their arms in the air and they’ll all look back and they’ll say, ‘It was all because of him!’ He and everybody else, and obviously Jeremy, they’re going to look at him and say ‘That was just beyond amazing, beyond courageous, beyond inspirational for the world.’
It is just so good what’s in front of us and what we all get to be part of and it’s just spectacular. I don’t really need to talk much anymore, but maybe other people want to say something. It’s really exciting what’s happening. I don’t know, someone else say something.
Genevieve Salter: We could listen to you talk all night, Tone. Thank you. I want to hear it all again. Wow, that was really special.
Lucas? Sounds like you’re trying to say something?
Lucas Machlein, WTM Nice Centre: Yeah, thank you for this. Thanks Tony, but yeah, we’re all doing this together, and yeah, it’s bloody awesome to be part of this, to join the team, you just hear what you got to do and you join in and do everything you can on your side, and everyone has things to bring to the table, and it’s going to be awesome. I’m so excited to do it for France—well to bring it to the French world, and it’s really awesome and I really love you guys, all of you, all of us on this webinar, everyone involved with this. And it looks like it’s building up so much, like so many comments on Amazon now, and so many people have read and seen THE Interview, so it looks like we’re getting onto something. Yeah, I’m just so excited about everything you guys are doing for us and letting us able to be a part of this and building up Centres. I’m really so excited, thanks to all—and we’re all doing this and that’s why it’s going to work. Everyone has a part in it.
Genevieve Salter: That’s right. Thanks Lucas.
Tony Gowing: It’s just so awesome to be part of it, Lucas. Just like you say, it’s being part of it with everyone, getting started—being part of something that’s just so big and so much bigger than ourselves and just writes everything else off the page, all our worries. And I love that in your video where you talk about—I mean it’s that honesty again—where you talk about [being] depressed and you’re just trying to escape, go to different countries, I mean that’s just so me, that’s how I felt my entire life. I can’t remember a time before I came across this when I wasn’t in that mode, and far out I tried my best and I was trying to push my own thing, whatever that was, but to be able to leave all that, to let it go, to be able to…God, it’s like a pile of crap on the ground compared to just all the gold in the entire world, it’s like a switch. Anyway, yeah, it’s just so good.
Lucas Machlein: I just love all this energy now, like now I have a goal in my life. I used to have no goals besides staying alive and just trying to validate myself, and all this energy wasted, but now we have it available for something else and to have a purpose in life now and to be part of this and spread this [information to the] world is everything that matters. And so that’s what I’ll be doing for the rest of my life, and I’m sure everyone.
Genevieve Salter: Absolutely, Lucas, and it looks like you’ve got lots of energy and God does this project need it!
Lucas Machlein: All for you guys, all for the project. Thanks again.
Genevieve Salter: How’s everybody else out there, anyone want to have a chat? We’d love to hear from you.
Carlos Cruz Blanco, WTM Colombia Centre: May I?
Genevieve Salter: Absolutely. Hi, Carlos.
Carlos Cruz Blanco: So I just wanted to say hi, it’s so exciting here; and Lucas, it makes you feel like ‘Oh, damn, I would like to be his age right now’ to have that opportunity that what he’s got with this information that we are trying to spread.
I’m in Guilford, which is a town close to London, visiting a friend, and I’m in the guest house, the guest room, which is full of things of different generations and whatnot, and she has a couple of [world globes] of different sizes, and [so I’m] listening and looking a little bit into my tiny screen of so many people from all around the world, trying to unite, or uniting now, with this common goal. You know from the Colombian website—which I still call just a Spanish language website—I very recently met a gentleman from Spain, and I was talking to him very recently and he’s such an amazing human being, and then obviously he asked the question, ‘How did you meet [come across] Jeremy’s information?’ I said, ‘No Carlos, with those kind of things, you don’t find them, they find you.’ I went, ‘Oh my God, yeah, he’s so right.’ And he’s so much into this, but unfortunately his English is not good, so he just copies and pastes on Google Translate, which everyone knows it helps, but you can get the wrong idea, so after talking to him and listening to his story and how much he likes what he’s reading so far, and now listening to Lucas especially, it’s more like what I said before, I want to contribute doing the [Spanish] translation I’m doing at the moment—THE Interview [which] is not finished, [because] I’m a bit afraid that because I’m not a professional [translator], it’s not going to do justice, so that’s what I mean by ‘afraid’. But I just wanted to say hi, that having met him very recently, he is such a nice human being, I need to talk to Tony [Miall], maybe later today, tomorrow, to see what’s the next step [is in assisting this new friend comprehend the information], but that’s my report. Good health to everybody.
Oh, one more thing I have to say; I haven’t been much in contact, but I’ve been doing the [twice-weekly FREEDOM] readings with Sarah [Colquhoun, founder of WTM Albury Centre] and it’s been such an amazing exercise. I stopped reading on my own and now I look forward to the reading, listening to different voices, sometimes I’m [prompted] to comment on something, even the other day someone was so much touched that she stopped to have a little breather because she was crying just because of the emotion—and those things that, even if it’s on a Zoom call, you feel so connected. So I just wanted to mention that that’s mostly what I’ve been doing recently, but I feel so in contact because we’re reading from the source. So I’m very sorry if I haven’t been much on these kind of events, but already I feel connected and I just wanted to say that and many thanks for organizing this, I really, really enjoy it. And there is a lady, Pam [Fairbanks, founder of WTM Richmond, Virginia], whose reading is so beautiful, the way she reads, that it’s like she’s reading from her heart. It’s amazing, I said ‘We should be recording you now because it’s going to be ready for the , you can listen to your voice.’ It’s such a beautiful voice. So I just wanted to say hi, maybe I need to try my video again because I lose a little bit of sound, but a huge hug for everybody. I hopefully have more news, some more people coming in from my language.
Genevieve Salter: Thank you, Carlos! And that’s a perfect example of how precious these translations are, and when we get the Spanish one of THE Interview, it just makes such a difference, and everybody says that when you can read the information in your own language, how wonderful that is, so it’s just really fabulous all these translations.
And I was going to say about what you said about wishing that you had Lucas’s energy—I just wanted to say how much energy this information gives you, it’s just incredible. Like as Tony was saying, it does bring us back to life, it is incredible—and Tone is the perfect example of that, because the energy that he’s got for this, as you can see, honestly, I think we all could just listen to him all night, and we wouldn’t need to hear another thing. And it’s true what he says about his life and how desperate and unhappy it was, and the same goes for me absolutely, but this magnificent human [referring to Tony Gowing] that is here now is just testament to what this information does for us and you can’t get a better living example of the Transformed Way of Living than that, and that’s on offer for all of us, it’s just incredible.
And the other thing, sorry quickly, was I totally agree about Pam [Fairbanks] and I heard that she said in one of the meetings recently, she said something like ‘I’ve never wanted anything more in my entire life than for somebody that I love to read this information’, and that was just so good to hear her say that and I just thought that was so precious and so true. That’s where we want to be coming from, that we want nothing more than for everybody to have this and live every second of every day like that. So yeah, thanks Carlos—so good to hear from you and there’s lots of people, lots of our Centre founders that don’t necessarily always make it to the meetings, but they’re all tuning in, in their way, like Franklin [Mukakanga, of WTM Zambia] and Annette [Williamsen, of WTM Canada West Coast] in Canada, and yeah, lots of people that aren’t here tonight, but we’re all here, really.
Susan Armstrong, WTM Sydney Centre: I just wanted to reinforce what you’re saying Weavy [Genevieve] and Tone. Oh, it’s been, it’s just too special when we all come together like this, our whole WTM family and it’s very overwhelming in its goodness. What this information is bringing to the planet, you know, like it’s been 2 million years people have been yearning for this day, yearning for self-understanding to be able to finally reconcile this psychosis within us and you know there’s been so many false starts and they could never lead anywhere but more, more, and more upset, and we all end up 2 million years down the track with so much upset. I have got so much upset in me and there was nothing that could free me from that. Nothing that could save me from that, the human race is hurtling to absolute destruction and there’s nothing except understanding that could stop that and that’s what Jeremy’s brought to the world. It’s just so sublime that we can have, we are sitting here, right here all together, on the most magnificent thing this planet has ever seen, where humanity can come together and finally we can be at one. Children, power addicts, men, women, blacks, whites, racism finally ends, I mean, it’s just absolutely magnificent and I really love Weavy’s and Tony’s introduction and I just love our Transformation page. I just cannot believe it. I can’t believe that we have this family example in the Akritidises. Ah, that children won’t have to resign anymore and Lucas and Chris and Alex and the girls, the Akritidis girls, are just shining lights for that and it’s absolutely sublime, but only understanding, like Jeremy says…‘humans had to understand their way to freedom’. That was the only thing that was going to work. There’s just been so many pushes from so many angles, it only leads to more and more upset, and more and more polarisation. But this ends everything, it ends the pain and suffering, in my life, in everybody’s life.
It’s the only thing to live for, it’s so obvious there’s nothing else in this world except for this information, that is the only meaningful thing that we can just absolutely live 100% meaning, purpose, I mean nobody’s ever had purpose like this, finally our conscious mind has understanding and we can reconcile everything in it, within ourselves, I am so upset but I am good, and that puts me in such an amazingly powerful situation where I don’t have to live out that anymore, and I can live for this future that Jeremy has brought to the world through understanding. It just lights up the planet. Everything is solved. Everything turns from black to gold, from dark to light. There’s just nothing it can’t end, and bring forward just so much life. I’ve been reading this one line lately, where Jeremy writes about what comes with this information and the Transformation that it brings about and all the positives of that and at the end he says, ‘The radiant aliveness and above all, the radiant aliveness from the optimism that comes with knowing our species march through hell has finally ended, and that a human condition free world is coming.’ (par. 1166 of FREEDOM). To have our Transformation page presented like that just before our meeting was so amazing. I just feel so lucky that I found this and then I’m with you all and finally we have a family and this is the beginning of it. Humanity is one big family and we’re the nucleus, we are going to spread this forever more and we can tell people it is safe to live with the truth about themselves. It is confronting but it is so exciting because we have a way to live it and that is that we support this and not our old selves like Tone magnificently shows us every day, anyway, I just feel so lucky.
Frank Balamastias, WTM Melbourne Centre: That was wonderful, Susan. Absolutely spot on. Loved it.
Tony Gowing: Good on you, Frank.
Sam Akritidis, WTM Melbourne Centre: Love it, Sus. Love you too, Tony. It was so good, especially the bit about the fact that you can walk through your pain, I mean for me it is unbelievable. Like you were saying about how angry we are, we are so angry, that we can connect with that and parent that with understanding and really get that reconciliation happening within yourself and then it just translates to everyone around you, you know, and the calmness that you bring the kids and then the kids will grow up calm and they won’t have to resign because they’ll understand that dad’s a psycho, and he’s got a good reason for being a psycho, he doesn’t have to be a psycho anymore because he understands he’s good. You know, just love everywhere. This is going to be so good. You can actually be loving and it’s legitimate, totally, because you totally are lovable. It’s not like we’re not and you’re pretending, you know, given how much shit we’ve gone through, it’s just so good.
And there are so many journeys too, like the individual journey, you’ve got Jeremy’s, you’ve got the macro journey, which is huge, 2 million years, and I don’t know, how many civilizations have butchered each other, celebrate a peace pact or something and just be going ‘Thank God I don’t butcher you anymore’, the other guy doesn’t butcher himself. And then you’ve got your own life, at the same time you’re going to primary school, then high school and trying to make your mum and dad happy, or grandad happy, just trying to get by, resigning, or if you’re not resigning then staying in that mad ship-at-sea state or whatever you are, and then you just end up tumbling across the answers, Jeremy comes up with the answers and then you live for this and you know you’ve got a whole new world coming. Whatever you do for this is just going to bring that in, it’s huge, huge. And yeah, there’s a lot of frustration, that’s for sure, but it is exciting man. It’s exciting. It’s so exciting. Far out man, 43 Centres, that’s huge. Just huge. Oh man.
Susan Armstrong: The tsunami of love, hey, Sammy. It’s a stampede, that’s what’s coming, it’s a stampede out of here.
Sam Akritidis: Yeah, yeah, there’s nothing in the old world. It’s so good hearing Jeremy, what he writes.
Frank Balamastias: Yes, yeah it’s always a massive pick me up, you just need it. You need everything about this, it’s life-saving and life-affirming information, like I think you said Susan, it just brings you back into radiant aliveness and there’s optimism; we know the cave is just riddled with bullshit, it’s pessimistic, it’s false, it’s un-real, it’s not the real thing.
Sam Akritidis: Yeah. I love it.
Genevieve Salter: And you can see in those little school kids that were dancing to Mick’s song…like just imagine that they were being taught in school about this and being taught the true story of the human journey and the real biology and all about their parents and what they’ve been through and their parents and parents before them. It is impossible to think about how alive those kids would be if they had this information, but it’s coming and it was just so special to see them dancing like that to this information, finally being here to heal us all.
Tony Gowing: Yeah, dance to a real song. A really, really, really, real song. Not another song that tries to talk about how bad it is, it’s a real song, it says it’s over…I just love it. It is honestly just a lullaby. It’s a rock song. It’s an everything. I just love it, Mick, it’s so good. Just real. We can sing it and know the lyrics sort of thing, know what they mean.
Mick Manolis: I did a public performance of the song in Broome. Steven Piggen, he played in a band with me years ago. He was on his tour so he invited me to play and I played the song and my niece was there and she was a choreographer for Bran Nue Dae, so she said ‘Oh uncle, I really love your song and I want to get the kids to dance to it’, so that was really good, so it does affect a lot of people.
I met Jeremy in Sydney at the beginning of the year, invited him to Bran Nue Dae, and Annie [Williams], it inspired me to do the song.
So nowadays I kind of think that the world doesn’t know that we have a soul. It’s more consciousness instead of soul, so the soul is kind of like a religious thing because your soul, you get taught this religious stuff that we have a soul, but a lot of people don’t believe in religion anymore, so they’ve wiped soul away. But people here, native Aboriginal people, believe soul is the liyan. I could never really grasp that because I’m kind of an intellectual person too, I need the scientific proof of it. I always thought it was religion that we had this soul, you know, and that’s what makes you good, but now I really believe it.
I’ve always been fascinated by war and cruelty, ever since I was a kid, so I’d watch all this stuff, there’s thousands and millions of examples of cruelty. I watched this little video because it fascinates me, this, [question of] why millions of men would go to war and kill each other, and it’s not natural for people to do that, so now I understand what the soul is. We buried the soul—like Jeremy says, and other philosophers, about the 50 [foot] wall of concrete [from R.D. Laing who wrote that ‘between us and It [our true self or soul] there is a veil which is more like fifty feet of solid concrete’ (The Politics of Experience and The Bird of Paradise, 1967, p.118)]—it’s very hard to connect with your soul in lots of ways, because I understand my own cruelty now. So I was watching this [documentary] about when the [German battleship] Bismarck sank the [Royal Navy’s] Hood battleship, so you’ve got these two big battleships firing, firing things at each other, and the next minute the Hood just blows up. And the survivors of the Bismarck two weeks later, they got the same treatment—they all blew up—and there were very few survivors. I watched this old man, he was only about 20 on the battleship and he said ‘That’s when I realised that we have a soul’—because they said when we saw the battleship blow up, they felt this sadness, and that’s how I know, because I believe now, I know, that the soul condemns us according to what we do, whether we tell a little lie or if we kill a million people, it wells up in us, even though our intellect tells us we’re right to do that, it’s that soul that condemns us all the time accordingly, and that’s what causes the upset. So that little simple little thing is very important anyway, so that’s what I wanted to say.
Tony Gowing: Yeah.
Mick Manolis: So I look for what other people’s lives are like, or if they suffer, or whether they suffer personally or what evil thing they do, but I’m quite aware of this every day now and I couldn’t understand it before, but now that little simple principle is real, so there is our soul but now we can look at our soul as a real thing instead of in a religious term; we can look at it as our instincts and the innocence of people and different people. That’s why we can love our enemies now. I was the type of person that ‘I don’t want to love my enemies’, I know it’s the right thing to do but no-one could explain that principle. So now it’s all explained, we can love our enemies and know that love and where this love came from, from nurturing, and we know that it’s real, it’s not bullshit anymore, so that’s really important to me. And all those little kids doing all the little actions. And so I was supposed to go and play [the guitar] for that [performance], but I didn’t; I didn’t have my ‘shit together’ that weekend, I was doing some other crazy stuff that I don’t want to talk about [group laughter], but we will be doing it again I’m sure—make a really good one for everyone to see—but I’m still waiting for my mob to see [the truth of this information], but our people have suffered very terribly and it might be a bit hard for them to work it all out, but I’m always discussing this stuff with people who come around. If I want them to leave my place, I just talk about the human condition and they all piss off [group laughter]. So I know how to get rid of people: I just talk about Jeremy Griffith! Anyway, all the people I talk to about him…I’ve got a next door neighbour over here, I live in a place where there is all dysfunctional people, well even myself, but so anyway, I don’t know…
Annie Williams: But honestly, Mick, that core logic that you’re using is what saves the world [Mick agrees: ‘Yeah’] and it’s the brilliance of Jeremy’s work because it is so simple, but at last, biologically, he’s been able to explain why we are fundamentally good, even with all that horror and cruelty that you talk about. And you can see in yourself, you’re understanding yourself, you’re making sense of yourself, you can look at all parts of yourself, it’s all reconciled and in that one little thing you spoke about, then it’s just a small thing, but it’s actually the key brilliance of his work and what does save us all. It’s incredible, the power of that Adam Stork story, just as you’re finding. Soon you mention Jeremy Griffith’s name and everyone will be running to get into your house to hear you, because honestly it’s so incredibly healing and that song you’ve written is, it is magical, it is, it is so beautiful and it’s going to bring us home, Mick.
Mick Manolis: Thank you. I can’t believe it myself actually, but same as everyone’s bewildered about everything. But yeah I believe that that is the answer, and I read something about an old Indian prophet saying ‘Where am I going to put this thing for humans to find’ and in the end he says ‘I will put it deep within them, it’ll be right in front of them, but they won’t see this thing’, you know, they won’t find it, you know, but one day now we have found it; so it’s such a simple thing, it’s been right in front of us/people all the time and like Jeremy says about, it’s an instinct, we’ve got this feeling of, it’s there but they couldn’t find it so, it’s been found now through the science, like how Jeremy explains all the nurturing stuff, so that’s always been there, all the philosophers and all the information. So I kind of see Jeremy as like a person—I mean, Jeremy doesn’t like to focus on himself, like he’s told me, and everyone talks about Jeremy—and so I really understand what he’s talking about, and Jeremy wouldn’t have been able to do this without all that evidence. It’s like someone getting all the evidence and proving something with the evidence that’s not even his, so I really feel it’s like a cross, he’s carrying a cross, and it’s like we could all go and carry that cross too I suppose.
Genevieve Salter: The reason he’s been able to explain it all, Mick, is exactly what you said before because he’s still has access to our soul, to that soulful side of ourselves, he’s innocent, he’s free of the human condition, and yeah, it could have been anybody, but thank God for somebody that was sound enough, innocent enough, in touch with their soul enough and our collective soul’s world, that he could put all those pieces of the jigsaw together. [See paragraphs 1278-1279 of FREEDOM for the concluding role innocence played in solving the human condition.]
Mick Manolis : Yeah, yeah, I see it like this. I don’t know if I wrote something to him about it; it’s like I imagine this little kid on the carpet with all the jigsaw puzzles and he gradually just puts the last few pieces in it and then, bang, it’s the big picture, so you know, thank you Jeremy, and thank everybody and we’re on our way. That’s a long journey and you know I’m happy to be at this meeting. Thank you very much.
Genevieve Salter: Well, we’re so happy to have you, Mick.
Tony Gowing: Good on you, Mick.
Mick Manolis : Thank you guys.
Ari Akritidis, WTM Melbourne Centre: Can I jump in here, Weavy?
Mick Manolis : I’ll turn my mic off. Anyway good luck.
Genevieve Salter: Thanks, Mick.
Ari Akritidis: Can I jump in?
Genevieve Salter: Yeah, go for it.
Ari Akritidis: Fantastic start to the meeting, Weavy and Tony, it just really was. And Sus [Armstrong]. I remember our visit there last year, it was a huge turning point, for me anyway, with Biggsy [John] and James [West] and Tony [Gowing], and there’s a few of you that had a massive impact. It was only 10 months ago and it seems like it’s just a different person that you met there, to the one that you see now, and it’s just extraordinary.
I just wanted to back up what Sus and Tony said about what it [the information] does and about the power. I mean, no-one can really know the power of the truth until you live in the truth, we’ve never had the truth before, so there was nothing that could possibly be powerful, and so for the first time we have the truth, it’s extraordinary. In my case I had it all, I had the house and the car and the status, and I was the life of the party, so I had it all and you know the kids, thanks to Sam [Akritidis, Ari’s younger brother], the kids got the information and they grabbed me by the hand and just basically walked me out of the cave. They took me to the light, they went to the light and they still would have had massive empathy and love for me if I stayed in the cave, because that’s what the information does, it just doesn’t matter, you love everyone because you know that was you and we’ve all been on the same journey, but yeah, the children were able to love in a way that they didn’t know was possible before the information and yeah, they took me to the light, and I didn’t want to say anything today because everything that I’ve wanted to say about this in my life is on my video [on the WTM’s Transformation page], so I don’t need to and I don’t want to say anything else ever again because it’s all there. It’s where I came from and it’s for everyone to see that this is the Transformation that happens, and I’m proud of myself because I support the only thing worth supporting in the world—it’s a different prize from the one which would give you a huge ego boost before in the old world. This is the complete opposite of that, and to be able to come from that, to this, is extraordinary, but I don’t want to be the face of that where I’m the most unremarkable person there is, it’s the information that did it, and the power of it, and the power of love and patience and perseverance. I saw Tony [Gowing] three months ago talk about the Transformed State Way of Living and I thought, well, I wonder if that’s possible for me in my lifetime. It was something that I’m going to strive for, you know, in my lifetime; we, you, don’t actually have to strive for it, you just have to live it and the pace of the Transformation is incredible, like it’s incredible, it’s infinite. I don’t think that there’s a cap to it, we’ve come from an awful place and it’s just completely, completely infinite. I think that’s it, it’s all there. Thanks guys, you’re absolute stars.
Sam Akritidis: Good one. Well done. It’s so good, our brothers’ relationship too now, between me, Ari and Johnny, it’s great. The guns go down, you don’t have to bash each other anymore. I’m glad that I don’t pop any more punches. [Laughter]
Tony Gowing: Yeah, it really is phenomenal. I already sort of said it I think, but I do so agree with you that the ability this information allows us to be honest takes all the power out of all of our craziness, and that sort of driving craziness in all of our lives, is just phenomenal and it just calms everything. It is amazing what you guys have been able to do. I know in that Transformed [State] to be able to just lay your guns down, put the sword down—because love and empathy, and all of that for a bloke, you’re just being a sissy… [James Press interrupts citing an technical problem.]
Warren Smith, WTM Oxford Centre: Can I say something? Just for a change [laughs]. It’s Warren. Listening to everybody—Carlos was talking about the [FREEDOM] readings with Pam and Sarah, and there’s so much going on, like everybody, you’ve got Lucas with his translation into French and all his energy there, and stuff like that—I think what I’ve sort of found over the last few weeks is the more I understand myself, the more I find just being able to walk around and truly smile at someone, for no other reason other than ‘Do you know what? I’m in a good mood, and bollocks to everything else’, you genuinely just smile at someone else and it picks them up, like every time it’s completely effortless. The second someone’s around you and you can just relax, they relax as well and companionship just becomes completely different. It’s so much fun. Like conversations with people that I used to find quite abrasive and now, within five minutes, we’re all laughing and having a joke and stuff like that, and even when, sort of a bit of competition pops up or anything like that, you just walk straight past it and the other person sort of like gets the hint and walks away. I think that’s the best part about this is, it seems hard, you know we look at the world and we sort of go, ‘Oh my God, everything’s screwed up, everything’s horrible, we’re all living in lockdown or under recession or whatever’, and then you sort of go, ‘Yeah do you know what, everyone’s battling’, and then you smile and it’s all gone, like literally just sitting with someone having a cup of coffee or whatever, you know they’ve walked away sort of feeling better and that, in a nutshell, is just the best feeling ever—like what other reason do you have then making someone smile? Sorry, I’ve been listening all morning and everyone you know, all the great things that are going on, new Centres, stuff like that, and just sort of believe that we are all contributing every time, every time you smile you’re contributing and I love it. So, sorry, I just had to say that. I’ll shut up now.
Tony Gowing: It’s so good, Warren. That’s the thing; we’re trying to sell this or we’re trying to disseminate it, tell everybody about it, and it’s really hard, because there’s such resistance. But it’s like you say—the important thing for us is to become comfortable with it ourselves and to start feeling those things like you’re saying. You will notice, see if I smile…I can get some room in myself because of this information. Everybody else—that’s the problem—nobody on Earth has any room, at all, in themselves. They’re just on absolute one hundred billion percent overload, and they’re just going crazy: ‘Up yours mate, I’m having this, I’m doing this and I’ve got to get the kids to school, you’ve got to do this’…don’t think, don’t think. And that’s what this is doing and we’ve got to [think/deal with the human condition], like you’re saying—that’s the beacon of light that this information allows us all to be, in the sense, like when Mick says ‘You know, I talk to all the people about Jeremy Griffith and they leave’, that’s true, because it’s hard to deal with the human condition and we all know that it’s hard to bring up the human condition, but that’s our job. One is, yes, to disseminate, yes, to talk about it, yes, to send the booklets out, but in ourselves your job is to make everybody comfortable in the room, and that’s why we talk about Jeremy all the time because he is the best example for me. He is calm and he was lucky he got a mother that could love him [see chapter 6:4 of FREEDOM for the compassionate explanation for humans’ inability to properly nurture under the duress of the human condition], and thank Christ he did, and that makes him incredibly special for, as far as I know, two main reasons: one is, he’s sound and he doesn’t have this insecurity, so he doesn’t have this drive, this insecurity to go and prove himself, and that means because he doesn’t have that pain inside of himself, he can think, and he can just be honest and actually see any situation truthfully, whereas I can’t, because I’ve got this underlying, deep insecurity that came from the moment I was born because I was hit with insecurity and yes, I’m calming down, and, yeah, like you’re saying, I can’t agree with you more, it is absolutely wonderful to be able to actually be with a person. I couldn’t be with people, I was absolutely terrified of people and yet I was just so desperately lonely. It’s horrible, the human condition and that’s the most superficial thing I’ve ever heard myself say in one sense, ‘horrible’; it’s honestly just disastrously, terribly, torturously, hideous, you know, and now that we can sit in a coffee shop and not only that, but we can talk to each other about the most meaningful things, the most core thing that’s in your being, you can sit in the coffee shop, not just smile at him, but tell that person that, and that’s what we’ve got to do. We’ve got to take that calm, that ability to be able to feel for people, to have that empathy, to have that room inside of ourselves and show that this is what happens, this is how it ends. This is how the world finally gets fixed. This is it. You can now get on. We don’t have to rush around and be crazy and compete with everybody and have a big house and all the rest of it. We can just be with one another and tell our children about how wonderful the sunlight is and how green the grass is and just look at it with them, which all those things, you just look at the blue sky and you nearly can’t cope. It’s too beautiful when you know, when you can finally just drop out of that madness that is the world with the human condition, and we need blokes like you, Warren, like you wouldn’t believe on this job to tell the world that and to be that beacon. I mean everybody, we need everybody, to show the world what that is, because it is brilliant and it’s so special what you’re saying to be able to start participating in the world. And that is just glorious. It really, really, really is just glorious. I just couldn’t agree more. It is amazing.
Warren Smith: Roz and I talk about this quite a lot—it’s the village with the phobia of the snakes and if you go and bang on their door and go ‘There’s no snakes out here, come on, out you come’, they’re going to go, ‘Piss off! There are snakes’ or not even that, they know that there are snakes—so the way I sort of see it now is, I don’t want to be the guy knocking on their door going, ‘Come on, come outside it’s safe’, I want to be the guy outside. Let them look through the window and see that I’m outside and then they’ll start thinking, ‘Well, how come he can be outside but I can’t?’, you know, and then by engaging you have that moment where they ask the question; you’re just answering their questions that’s all, you’re not telling them. The whole thing about it is it doesn’t tell you what to think, it tells you what to think about. You still have to come to the understanding on your own but it gives you the map. It gives you the teaching, and that for me is so helpful at the moment. Poor old Roz gets bashed with this quite a lot…like every conversation we have.
Tony Gowing: I love that, the more you’re out in the sun—you know fixing up the road, planting roses, you know you get to have trees, line the drive, fixing everything up, having an absolute ball—everyone’s going to walk out of their fucking shit box houses and come and help you and be in the sun and that’s what we’re doing. We’ve got to draw them out, tell them this is so good! Come and join us! It’s not scary out here! You can be free! And, yeah, it is like that. Come on!
Genevieve Salter: And this is our calling card [referring to THE Interview]; this is what makes people feel safe about the snakes or about the human condition. It does, it bridges that gap and it’s just absolutely, as Tone was saying before, magnificent. It really is the best calling card and people are responding to this. It’s just absolutely phenomenal. So yeah, people are going to be dancing in the streets, that’s for sure. I hope you can dance Warren!
Warren Smith: Only if it’s a two-left-footed dance, I’m fine.
Susan Armstrong: I’d love to hear from our US legend, Gerry.
Gerry St. Onge, WTM Philadelphia Centre: Oh, thank you. Thank you. So this is just amazing. It’s been about three years since I was first on one of these and it’s just so much, it was wonderful then and it’s just so much bigger now and it’s getting bigger, as we think and breathe.
I was thinking about what Mick was saying, and Warren, and I’m seeing about Jeremy, and the gift that he’s given us, I see him as like the great excavator, like we have generations of crap that we have built and then we’ve built all our castles on the crap and that’s been the world that we’ve lived in, and we are living in, in the world right now. And Jeremy is the great excavator because he’s given us the truth that was underneath all the crap. And underneath all those castles, and given me, now that there’s solid ground there, underneath all that crap, that the real world is solid ground and I have that, I have access to that now, and with everything going on, the intensification of the upset in this world and in the United States, it’s really intense, and getting more intense, very, very aggressively. It is just so wonderful to be able to just stand on that solid ground that Jeremy has put a floodlight on or sunlight on. That’s the real world.
And, yeah, beautiful, Warren, I love what you’re talking about because that is it. It’s not about preaching or teaching, it’s about being. Standing on that solid ground, and on that solid ground in the moments that I can feel that and be there, everything is awesome. There are no problems and you’re right, Warren, I can really smile. I can look in the eyes of other people, no matter how frustrated or confused or upset they are, and see who they really are and love them for that, you know, and that’s my best shot at making a difference and contributing to this.
So this is awesome, it’s so amazing to look around and now I’ve got to flip through screens to see everyone [in the meeting], because there’s so many. It’s just really, really good, just really great to be here and I’m not sure if Pam couldn’t make it [Pam Fairbanks is observing this meeting] but we’re going to get together later today, this is cracking. And it’s true, just my next door neighbour I’ve been talking to, I have a little card that I use, see if you can see it, right? [Gerry holds up the camera a business card he has printed with WTM details.]
Genevieve Salter: Awesome.
Gerry St. Onge: Yeah, this is like, I gave him my card and then I told him you’ve got to watch THE Interview and then just yesterday, he comes out and smokes because he’s not allowed to smoke in his apartment, and I gave him a copy of the book and he said ‘thank you’, you know, but we’ll see, right? And that’s all I can do and I just told him it’s just been so helpful to me. Zach is his name, and that’s all I can do, so this is great.
The pressure in this country is palpable right now. In four weeks there’s an election and the division and the hatred, it’s affecting communities, it’s affecting families, and it’s affecting my family. And I just say also that the Akritidises—an unbelievable model for what the new world family looks like, and you guys are just incredible inspirations, and I’ve got a big family so Sammy [Akritidis], you know I’m trying to stand up in ‘my Sam’, with my family, you’re a great inspiration. Ari and Nicoletta and Desi and Alex and Chris and…
Genevieve Salter: Katerina.
Gerry St. Onge: …everybody over there, I love watching, so we’re plugging, we’re standing on the solid ground and we’re plugging and it’s only getting better, it’s only getting better, so there it is. Thank you, guys.
Tony Gowing: Well said, Gerry.
Genevieve Salter: Yeah God this world needs information, this information.
Annie Williams: Joseph?
Tony Gowing: Yeah, where’s Joseph?
Genevieve Salter: Hey Joseph, you’re on.
Joseph Ahie, WTM North Queensland Centre: Hey guys. It’s really good to see everyone. Hey Weavy, Connor [FitzGerald], good to see you guys.
Man, well what can we say? It’s just really, really good. I mean, there’s so many things to love about the WTM and the information, but a couple of things I wanted to say is that it’s the certainty, that’s what I find. Like what Gerry was talking about, there’s so much craziness in the world, uncertainty, we can see that everywhere, that’s what’s going on, but when you come back to the WTM and to the website, and to the information, I love the certainty about, it’s solid ground, man. Once you find it, and you get it, and you get understanding about it, it’s just, it’s just amazing. There’s no division, there’s no uncertainty, it’s for real. The truth. When you get that solid knowing about where we come from and who we are, it’s just, that’s what I love about it, it’s for real, there’s no division, there’s no like ‘Oh it might be this or it might be that’, it’s for real. It’s just down the line. Jeremy just puts it on the mark. And you feel that in all the videos, and everybody’s talks, everybody’s Centres, how they get it, when you listen to it, it’s just on the mark, it’s not, there’s no separation, there’s no division there, there’s that real solid togetherness and that’s what I love about it. And I love hearing that everybody’s talking about it and seeing it grow, like Gerry was saying—how many years ago, you know, that you guys, the founding members would have seen, how much it’s grown and over those many, many years but we get to see it in a short time and how it’s growing faster and faster and faster. To me, that is a real thing that’s really happening. Yeah man, how much more exciting can it get?
I love what Ari was saying in the video, that compilation video—we don’t have any words to describe it, we’re all sort of trying to, what’s the best word to go, you know, it’s just like, ‘Man, we’re just happy as, we’re happy as.’ So like Warren was saying, we just smile at each other and that’s the best thing that we can do, because that’s the only way we can really express it to each other, right now, maybe there’s going to be some more words down the line, Jeremy comes up with so many different meanings to these words, he just comes up with these words, and I just go ‘Wowee’ [laughter] man.
Yeah, that’s right, it is beautiful man, the WTM is rocking the world and it’s the best place to be like everyone’s saying and it’s really good to be here, sitting amongst you all. I can’t believe I’m sitting amongst you but I am! I love you a lot and I’ll always be here man, I will always be here now, from now on, till whenever to wherever. And I can’t wait man, we’re going to meet each other, we meet each other on the screen, hopefully one day we meet each other and we can just hug each other and say it’s the best thing ever. So yeah, thanks guys.
Genevieve Salter: So beautifully said, Joseph.
Tony Gowing: Yeah. Good on you, Joseph.
Genevieve Salter: So precious.
Prue Westbrook: I agree. I was just thinking when you were speaking Joseph, just that incredible Transformation page. It’s absolutely incredible and the Akritidis family, Linda’s video, it’s beautiful, Lucas’s video and then the culmination of it with the dancing storks. It’s so spectacular that picture, and there’s so much healing, there’s so much reconciliation in that picture. And I know Tony was speaking at a meeting recently just about Jeremy’s pictures and how much he just loves his drawings and I love that drawing on the Transformation page. It’s just so beautiful. Anyway, I just think this meeting’s a real reflection of it, so yeah, it’s really amazing.
I was thinking when Gerry was speaking too, just how this world we’re discovering, this new world that Jeremy’s always known about and fought for and lived for, it just reminded me of where Jeremy says, ‘I can see the way out, the old world has no attraction for me. I can see that other world and I know how happy and exciting a place it is, and I only want that, and the other world doesn’t seduce me at all. It can’t touch me. It never has any influence.’ And then of course Tony’s incredible presentation today. Like everyone said, he is the leader in all of this, but I just love his words and that the energy that we were talking about earlier that this liberates and where he says ‘He’s completely, he’s staring forward, completely occupied with the only thing that matters on Earth. This is what he thinks about, dreams about, focuses one hundred percent of his energy on, he just has to save the world. He loves it with all his heart and soul, it is all incandescent energy pouring through his veins in waves and waves of excitement and energy.’ And I just love that, the ‘incandescent energy’ that this liberates through this meeting and in the world. Anyway, your excitement, Joseph, always gets me.
Genevieve Salter: How about one of those Ballarat girls with their FREEDOM pendants. How are you going down there Ange and Colleen?
Angela Ryan, WTM Ballarat Centre: Sorry, I was trying to find my unmute button.
Genevieve Salter: Hi!
Angela Ryan: I was going to let Colleen talk actually because she’s much better at talking then I am.
Genevieve Salter: Both of you.
Colleen Fryar, WTM Ballarat Centre: I talk too much, you go, Ange.
Angela Ryan: It’s just really incredibly special, just being a part of this meeting and hearing everybody and it’s just amazing and I think someone said, I think Gerry said that this is his third year that he’s been at these meetings and it occurred to me that it’s actually my first, last October was my first meeting, so this is a year since I’ve been coming to these meetings, so that’s amazing and it’s just really awesome hearing everyone talk and that the new world’s coming and not being afraid to tell everyone—Colleen and I are out there, we’re walking around the lake and as we walk, we’re talking and we don’t even care, we’re talking loud and we’re talking about FREEDOM and we’re saying Jeremy’s name out loud, and we’re in cafes and we’re so loud and we don’t even care and I’m just thinking, I bet you people are listening to us and I think that’s a great thing because we shouldn’t be afraid to talk about this information and pretty soon everybody’s going to be talking about it and it’s just really nice to know we can be a part of it, get our flyers up or whatever. It sounds exhausting, actually, when you were telling everybody what we’re doing down here, but it doesn’t feel like that, it just feels like this really does give you energy to get out there and do your part. I’ll let Colleen talk now because I know she wants to.
Colleen Fryar: Oh really? Well, it’s just magic, really. I just love everybody’s faces on here, it’s so energizing like you just know you’re part of something that is just going where we need to go and it’s just real. It’s the most real-est thing I’ve ever been involved in in my whole life and I love everything about it.
I was thinking about what Warren was saying about smiling at people and the power of that and I think now with this understanding, the smiles now are coming from such a real base, that people can’t help but connect, and even if they’re in a grumpy mood they’ll, you can change someone’s mood with a smile and the power of that alone is just massive. I think we really, we’ve been given such a gift, it’s a superpower, really, if you think about it in old world terms, you know, we’ve really been given the greatest gift on Earth to have this understanding and you just want to share it. I just get up every day now and my purpose, whole purpose, is to just share it. I don’t want to do anything else. It’s just that simple. You know you’re part of something so much bigger. It’s hard to put words around it, I often find it difficult to articulate, although speaking to Ange we get going pretty well! And the Melbourne crew; sometimes, Sam, you must say ‘Does she ever shut up?’ But I just can’t help myself when I get going.
I’ve got a picture, [Australian cartoonist] Michael Leunig’s picture of the ‘Understandascope’, and I love that cartoon and it’s on my wall because I really do think that’s what the gift is, that’s the gift to me, is that Understandascope—you can see now behind everything, what Gerry was talking about.
You know you can see behind everyone’s behaviour, what’s the reason, there’s no confusion in the world anymore, that’s what I feel. I used to always want to know why people did what they did, I was always like, ‘Well, why would you do that?’ But now I know, and there’s just so much relief in that because you go, ‘Well, there’s a reason why’, but they don’t have to do it that way, I don’t have to do it that way, we don’t have to do, well we do have to, but you understand now and it’s huge, it’s such a gift.
So yeah, it’s lovely to see everybody. It’s such a charge for me, I just think it recharges your batteries so much when you see everybody on the screen, because you know everybody’s out there with the same focus to do what we need to do to get this shit off the world so that we can bloody live back in Eden. That’s really what it is, which is clean the shit off the world and we’re back in Eden, it’s that simple. Anyway, I’ve said enough.
Susan Armstrong: You’re such a new world sweetheart, Colleen.
Colleen Fryar: Thanks, Sus.
Susan Armstrong: You are just so pure in your love for this, it is really special.
Colleen Fryar: It’s the best thing in the world. Best thing since sliced bread I think someone said.
Genevieve Salter: Both of them. I don’t know how Ballarat got so lucky.
Susan Armstrong: And I was just going to say Ange, and there are a few new world sweethearts on the screen tonight and they’re two of them. There is another really special new world sweetheart and I don’t know whether she’d like to talk or not, but I just wanted to give a big hug to Linda [MacCarthy, WTM Dublin Centre] and I know this is her first GTM, and you don’t have to speak Linda, you don’t need to at all—just having you here is so precious. But I just did want to send a big hug and we’re just so, so pleased that you were able to make it.
Linda MacCarthy, WTM Dublin Centre: Am I here? I just wanted to say that I really enjoyed listening to everybody and I was so delighted when it was mentioned about the spiritual and soul side of our existence, and I just thought of a cross when that was being said because there’s a vertical sense of spiritual and the soul, and then people were speaking about nature and going out and noticing grass and stars, and the trees and the sky, and also at the very beginning I loved the singing and dancing. And I think that’s an extraordinarily powerful way to spontaneously join in with the joy of everything, and I loved that. And also the recognition, as Tony was saying, that we have to recognise that we’re still living with different layers of upset, and that’s ok, you know it’s ok that we can’t always be sunshine-y, but that we know that the sun is always there. It’s just that sometimes the clouds come across it and then to say ‘But this is ok’, ‘That’s ok’, you know the sun is always there. It’s a bit like when Jeremy was saying about Plato, I do love that idea—I suppose because the world is so contaminated anyway as it is now—it’s very good to have a sense of there being a one, a form, a good outside, a higher up, a supreme thing in understanding and love and compassion, so you know, I suppose, we all know that is always there no matter how we feel, you know?
Tony Gowing: Yeah. Yes.
Genevieve Salter: Absolutely Linda. Thank you so much.
Linda MacCarthy: Thank you.
Genevieve Salter: It’s really special to have you with us and to hear from you.
Linda MacCarthy: Thank you so much.
Tony Gowing: You’re an absolute legend, Linda. I love your [Centre] video too and I love…I have a Twitter account and I just love seeing your tweets coming in every day, it just warms my heart every time I think of you over there just tweeting it out. It’s so good.
Linda MacCarthy: Thank you, Tony.
Tony Gowing: I was just thinking, someone was saying something about this one good thing, well I don’t even know if you call this a ‘good thing’, but we live in denial and over the years, how much when you peel that back, each time you peel back another layer, how much better it gets and bigger it gets and it doesn’t matter how exciting it seems to be or how much you connect to this or how much you can sort of transform and be part of this, it’s bigger, it’s bigger than what you’re thinking it is now and it’s just so far beyond us that we’ve got our whole lives in front of us to continually soak it up. Our brains are so powerful, we can sort of logically see, or sort of understand what a change this is, and it just takes us from a place of…like it is superhuman…from a place of where we live now to a place of absolute understanding. It is a massive change in being, every time that’s where we’re going, to see this more and more, and more being able to be part of this, part of the world and participate in a reality that stripped bare of that, like Colleen was saying—get rid of the shit—but once you strip the shit bare it becomes more and more glorious.
Genevieve Salter: Integrative Meaning.
Tony Gowing: Yeah, Integrative Meaning. [The integrative meaning of existence is explained in Freedom Essay 23.]
Genevieve Salter: Hi James. Hi there.
James Moffett, WTM Cape Town Centre: Hi everyone.
Genevieve Salter: Hi Vanessa [James’s wife.]
Vanessa Moffett: Hello.
James Moffett: And we’ve got [sons] Charlie behind us, and Ross is hiding in the corner.
Genevieve Salter: Hi, Charles. They’re everywhere. The Moffetts are everywhere!
James Moffett: It’s incredible to see everybody and I always get so nervous when I need to say something, but I needed to say something.
Tone, again you’ve set the pace and we’ve got to keep running up. And you mentioned that walkabout I had through South Africa. The excuse was to see my parents, but I think the deep underlying excuse was to get out there and preach [laughs]. It was incredible. What a journey. I had Charlie with me, and so he did the driving and I did the talking; I think eventually he put on music because I was talking too much about that!
It’s just amazing. As Tone was saying, when we’re talking…and eventually this stuff is now settling in me and I realise it logically, scientifically…I can have faith knowing that science—because science is proven and I’ve tested it—that this thing is just breaking barriers. We met an old friend from university days—I haven’t seen him for 10 years—last weekend and he’s having head-butts with his son, who’s 17 going on 18 and I sent THE Interview link through to him, and he sent a WhatsApp yesterday. He said, I’ll read it to you, but this is coming from a 60-year-old, absolutely resigned, guy. He says: ‘I’m getting in through THE Interview slowly. Need to concentrate. Love it.’ I mean that is incredible coming…I mean, for me it hit me here [James points to his heart] and that’s why I can hear what people are saying around the world. I mean, it’s incredible. I think Tone is totally understating again the capacity of our heads, and I don’t know how many heads are involved in this international, we’re going to have to call it a church, like I think in Nigeria, where there’s six million people in one group. [James is referring to Nigeria’s Redeemed Christian Church of God.]
Tony Gowing: Six billion or seven [to cater to the world’s population].
James Moffett: That’s crazy, yeah, we’re going to have to get one for 10 billion people that we’re going to have around.
Now what everybody’s saying is this is working, I mean you can see it in everybody’s faces, the founding members who are sitting there, it’s just incredible. And I think for us, many of us you know who joined recently, getting clearer—we can give it up totally now, we’ve got the hardware, we’ve got the port now, and that port is in the sunshine and we can start talking ‘sunshine language’, you don’t have to talk ‘cave language’ anymore.
Just last night I met one of the biggest farmers in this district. He’s got farms and thousands and thousands of hectares, and you could see the old cave talk and he couldn’t understand what I was saying and eventually I sent him a WhatsApp on the way home and I said to him, ‘I just love your honesty’, and the guy voice-messaged me back and we could hear the tears and the recognition that he is a hero, that he’s not a bastard that’s destroying the world, he’s one of those heroes, and to all the heroes on the screen there— Warren, ex-South African, incredible; Gerry in the States, man go for President, forget Trump and Biden, incredible—and of course the women and men on screen, if it wasn’t for you, we would have never have got here, so thank you so much.
Genevieve Salter: Oh thanks, James.
Susan Armstrong: James, I just wanted to say quickly that I don’t think there’d be a person on the screen that doesn’t have your beautiful family photo, with John [Mulder] and his wife with all your T-shirts and your hats, and we all love that photo so much, of all of you. It’s really gorgeous. [Photograph appears onscreen of John and Evette Mulder, and James and Ross Moffett, of the WTM Cape Town Centre, with their golden WTM-branded hats.]
Genevieve Salter: Thumbs up all round. And I can see that Pam’s been observing, but she’s on the screen now. So welcome, Pam. Great to have you with us.
Pam Fairbanks, WTM Richmond Centre: Thank you. I was concerned Gerry was sad because he thought I missed it. I didn’t want him to think I was still in the bed.
Genevieve Salter: So it’s 4 o’clock in the morning or something, is it?
Pam Fairbanks: I had to wake at 3.30am so it’s 6 o’clock now, and I totally, totally enjoyed it. It was worth waking at 3.30am.
Genevieve Salter: We’re just thrilled to have you. Thank you so much for coming.
Pam Fairbanks: Thank you. I just wanted to say really quickly that this gives me hope. This meeting gives me hope. The understanding gives me hope, and I am grateful for that. Thank you.
Annie Williams: Everything you’ve ever wanted Pammy is going to come true, don’t you worry.
Pam Fairbanks: I believe it.
Annie Williams: You’ve been holding on to the ideals all your life and asking the question “Why? why? why?” and you haven’t stopped asking that question and finally you can understand why, understand why humans have been so destructive and have had to leave the ideals and why they’ve stopped asking the questions. And your mind is just making sense of everything and it just brings your heart and your mind together and every day is just more and more confirmation of the incredible truth this brings and the amazing power it has to heal our hearts, our broken hearts and broken minds. And it’s just so thrilling to have you with us, our beautiful Southern Belle.
Pam Fairbanks: Thank you, I just thank God He made us able to heal.
Annie Williams: Yeah, it’s amazing, isn’t it? That’s the power of the soul. It’s just amazing that we can be so upset and so devastated inside and yet, yeah, I agree, we can be revived and we can rehabilitate and we can start to feel and love and genuinely smile again.
Pam Fairbanks: That’s great.
Prue Westbrook: That word ‘redeemed’ or ‘redeeming explanation’ is so, so beautiful. It does redeem us.
Pam Fairbanks: Yes. I agree.
Tony Gowing: Like you say, hope’s just, what do you call it, rolling its way across the horizon for everyone. I love it. I love it.
Pam Fairbanks: Like a giant boulder. Yeah, if you could visually see the happiness coming from everyone, I think we would have like ray beams of light just shining everywhere. That’s what I see. A lot of joy.
Genevieve Salter: Yeah, Linda’s ‘ebullience of joy’. Joy without limit. The kiss for the whole world.
Pam Fairbanks: I recently had a friend of mine, a really young girl, she took the dancing people [on FREEDOM’s cover] and she made them somehow so that she’s going to send them to me, they’re decals for my car. So my car’s going to have little dancing people! I’m going to put them all over my car. The same ones from the sun, that are coming out of the cave, those very dancing people.
Tony Gowing: Awesome.
Genevieve Salter: These little ones? [Pointing to the people on the front cover of FREEDOM.]
Pam Fairbanks: Yes, I’m going to have them all over my car.
Tony Gowing: They are so good, Jeremy’s little [drawings]…
Pam Fairbanks: I can’t wait. I’m so excited.
Genevieve Salter: What do you call it when you drive your cars down the street? A convoy…a cavalcade.
Pam Fairbanks: We’ll have a Sunshine Parade. Wouldn’t that be great if we could do that one day? Actually, everyone be so, so on board that we really do have a Sunshine Parade, that would be great.
Genevieve Salter: I reckon it’s gonna happen, it might not feel like it in the US at the moment, but it’s going to happen.
Tony Gowing: It’s on its way.
Pam Fairbanks: Yeah, it’s going to happen.
James Press: Sorry, we’ve got a new image. I’m just trying to quickly pull it up, of exactly that, The Sunshine Highway with those dancing people on it.
Tony Gowing: Yeah, from the new Transformation page.
Prue Westbrook: I was just going to read a little bit from that [Transformation] page where Jeremy talks about the stampede and he says, ‘And so exciting and relieving is this breakthrough, and the freedom from the human condition that is now an offer to every human, that before long there will be a stampede of people who have joined the-human-condition-resolved sunshine army on the sunshine highway to the world in sunshine!’ Stampede, parade, everything.
Genevieve Salter: Yay, there it is everybody.
Pam Fairbanks: Yes, those people [everyone laughs]. I just thought they would be great to have all over my car. I know probably people will look at me sideways, but they’ll say ‘what is that all over your car?’ And I can’t wait for me to tell them.
Genevieve Salter: You can put the there.
Pamela Fairbanks: Yes, I thought about that, but I guess I’ll see if these decals, how long they last and then put the, the letters on there, that would be great, I’m going to do it.
Genevieve Salter: That would be great, I reckon
Tony Gowing: Can’t wait.
Susan Armstrong: Go, Pam!
Pamela Fairbanks: Thank you. Woooooo!! Yay, I don’t know how we have these [meetings] sitting down.
Genevieve Salter: I know! We need Dorine [Mwesigwa, founder of WTM Centres in Uganda and the West Midlands] up here, she’d be out dancing.
Pamela Fairbanks: Cheering. Yeah.
Genevieve Salter: We gave you a little opportunity at the start to do some dancing. We saw a few people jiving on the screen to the music at the beginning.
Susan Armstrong: Jolanda and Fred always give us a good rocking out.
Genevieve Salter: Do you two want to say a quick hello?
Jolanda Timmerman, WTM Arnhem Centre: Can you hear us? A quick hello. Well, it’s always a little problem to express ourselves because English is not our native language, but it was Warren who spoke so great and I was saying to Fred, well, Warren is exactly expressing how we feel and what stage we’re in, so it’s always so great to gather at these meetings. We learn a lot from it and it’s so inspirational. Last week, we finished the book [FREEDOM] reading in our own language.
Fred Lankamp, WTM Arnhem Centre: Thanks to Annemieke, Annemieke is the greatest. [referring to WTM Amsterdam Centre co-founder Annemieke Akker, who translated FREEDOM into Dutch.]
Genevieve Salter: Isn’t she!
Jolanda Timmerman: And in English twice. And now we read it together, we read it together, out loud to each other. And every Wednesday we read the book with Raf [Van Den Plas] from [WTM] Antwerp, and Annemieke and Hendrik [WTM Amsterdam], and it’s so true that when you take care of the information, the information will take care of you, and that’s why it’s so important to keep in close contact with the book and these meetings. It’s really wonderful.
Genevieve Salter: Perfectly said, Jolanda.
Fred Lankamp: I see a lot of young students at my drum school and without mentioning the book I thought a lot of it’s a way to [talk] to students, especially when they’re about 12, 13, 14 years old, and I really see them change the last weeks and it’s such a revelation for me and for them, so I use music to get to them with the information and it’s really changed my way of how to study, how to teach them.
Genevieve Salter: How wonderful.
Fred Lankamp: Yeah, well, it’s amazing, it is. One thing I never hear you talk about is the [Australian rock band] AC/DC but that’s really the best rock and roll band ever, so you should mention that.
Genevieve Salter: Well, we’ve changed [the AC/DC song] ‘Highway to Hell’ to ‘Highway to Heaven’, how’s that?!
Fred Lankamp: No, yeah ok, but also [their song] ‘Let There Be Rock’! And it’s a coincidence that Angus [Young, founding band member] lives in the Netherlands, near the place where I come from, and the difference between how he is on stage and as a person is, you can’t imagine a bigger difference, he is a really quite humble person, and when they have concerts, when they had, they stopped and he’s the man with 20, 30, 50 thousand people in front of him, just enjoying the atmosphere he brings, and it’s really great, and I want to bring that kind of joy to my students.
Jolanda Timmerman: Never resign! We want to teach them to never resign. Thank you.
Fred Lankamp: And to all the guys, I want to get trying to get them back to their youth.
Jolanda Timmerman: Back to their soul.
Fred Lankamp:…Yeah, that’s what I was trying to say, yeah. Thank you all for sharing this…
Jolanda Timmerman: We often talk about the truth. They don’t have to be politically correct. We can tell the truth without hurting anybody, and it’s so amazing how you can reach people in their soul. It’s really unbelievable, so there’s a lot changing in our world.
Tony Gowing: Yeah, sounds like it. Awesome.
Fred Lankamp: Yeah, but it’s going slowly. I don’t have one student who has read the book yet, but I’m drip-feeding, as I’ve learned from Sam [Akritidis], and I hope one day just one starts to read the book and maybe then two, and you know.
Jolanda Timmerman: It will happen.
Fred Lankamp: Someday, but I’m sure it will happen.
Susan Armstrong: Anything will happen with that new world drum school of yours, Fred.
Fred Lankamp: Yeah, yeah, I feel that already.
Genevieve Salter: We’ve got the makings of a pretty good new world band in this little screen, and Tone.
Tony Gowing: You’ll have to take THE Interview over to Angus [Young]. Give it to him, see what he thinks.
Genevieve Salter: Ok, well last calls?
Susan Armstrong: Big hug to Rozzie. Always, always about to burst.
Genevieve Salter: And everybody in Austria.
Roz Bachl, WTM Hertfordshire Centre: What can I say, people? You know this is the most positive two hours of the last three months. I think it’s just wonderful.
For me, on a personal level, it’s the solid ground I love, I’ve never been on solid ground before I had this and it’s dazzling. I can’t put into words…I can’t sort of tell you how it makes you feel, but it’s just…it’s just so amazing. When you’re in the groove of it, what I find as well, is that if I come away from it…habitually, you kinda go back, then when you come again, it’s like wow! Another ‘boom’! The information, the understanding that you get just changes your whole life. It really changes your whole life. And I can’t tell you how exciting that is. It’s almost like too exciting to know what to do with, you can’t get too excited cause I might like burst or something and yeah, on a personal level it’s life-changing. Why wouldn’t you want this? I mean, seriously, why wouldn’t you want this? Because everyone knows, you know, everyone lives a lie and they know it’s a lie, and they know about how good they are, really, they just don’t want to see it. The competition is too immense in people, the fear, I think, the fear of not succeeding, the fear of not being liked, the fear of…etc, etc, etc. And I think Monica [Kodet] said to me that Jeremy had said to her that people are frightened of the fear, it’s not the fear itself, it’s being frightened of it. I just love it, and Warren and I have been talking a lot about the ‘smiley’ thing and he’s damn right, you know? It’s so right that people see this in you, and want something, want to know what’s going on, want to know why. Thank you for having me, as they say, this is like amazing, absolutely amazing stuff.
When you let it in, you mustn’t try, you just have to do it. That’s the thing as well I find, I kind of spent like two and half years trying to do it, copying people, seeing how they did it and all that, and then you just go, ‘Oh ok’, it’s that, it’s that understanding that has to get in your little head, and then when you let it…because it’s quite a weird thing, I mean, you have to admit that you go ‘What’s that all about?’ This is so different to what I know and so different to what I’ve learned, it’s so different to what people have taught me how to behave, but you know it’s true, no one could deny it’s true, because it’s perfect, it’s so spot-on, it’s amazing. You have to just go ‘Yeah, it’s ok. You can think that, it’s actually ok.’ The more you do that, then, the more you know it’s ok, the more you realise you’re good and there’s nothing to prove, it’s just like…whoa. And I just wish I had this, oh God, 50 years, half a century ago, I just wish I had this because, as Annie was saying [to Pam], I’ve been looking, wanting to know why; I could tell something was desperately wrong but couldn’t put my finger on this and as soon as you know then, oh wow, yeah, thank God, there’s hope, as Pam said, there’s hope and that for me is a huge thing. Thank you for having me guys and you people down there do a fantastic job. Thank you so much.
Genevieve Salter: Thank you, Rozzy.
Tony Gowing: Good on you, Roz. You’re a legend.
Roz Bachl: I just love it.
Genevieve Salter: We love you. Ok, well, there are few more people on screen, but not everybody has to say something but please, please, if you feel like it, we’d love to hear from you but otherwise we might finish up, even though I know nobody wants to go. I just thought to summarise, it might be good to just show those two pictures, James [Press], just as a bit of a way to end.
Basically, we’re going from this [first picture below] to this [second picture below]:
How happy is that face, and how happy all the kids in the future are going to be when they get a hold of FREEDOM!
Tony Gowing: Oh my God.
Genevieve Salter: So thanks everyone, just so fabulous to have you.
Tony Gowing: Thank you very much.
Genevieve Salter: See you everyone around the world and it won’t be too long before we’re back together again. And we just thought we’d end, and you can stick around and listen, or you can leave, whatever you’d like to do, but we’re just going to play Beethoven’s Ninth Symphony, with Jeremy introducing it as a way to go out because it’s an ‘ebullience of joy’…I just love that so much. So thank you and we’ll see you again soon.
James West: Thanks Weavy, thanks Tone.
Tony Gowing: See you later.
[Group farewells each other.]
Genevieve Salter: Thanks everyone. We’re having a computer meltdown. Sorry…it can’t cope with all the excitement!
Gerald Staffaneller, WTM Austria Centre: I can sing it in German with Chris [Habenbacher], Geri [Zarfl] and maybe Stefan [Rössler] joining in.
[Austria WTM Centre members sing ‘Ode to Joy’ in German.]
Angela Ryan: That was amazing!
Gerry St. Onge: I like that version best.
Genevieve Salter: I’m glad that video didn’t work! Thanks guys, that was awesome.