Transcript of Warren Smith’s
WTM Oxford Centre video


(To learn more about Warren, see



Hi, my name is Warren and I am 38 years old [at time of filming]. I originally grew up in South Africa and moved to the UK when I was 19 and I now live in Oxford. I came across this information about four or five months ago…and it is just amazing [laughs]…no other words really!

I’m opening the WTM Oxford Centre because I think it’s imperative that every single one of us do absolutely everything we can to get this absolutely essential information to the world. As it stands, the human race is in a head-long rush into oblivion. The planet just can’t sustain our current demands, and our relationship with nature as a whole is dissolving in an absolutely alarming rate. This information is absolutely vitalto save not only the planet, but also the very essence of humankind as the heroes that we were meant to be.

When I first came across this information I was curious; this is marketed as the book that’s going to save the world and I was curious, but I was also very sceptical. I pretty much thought this was going to be just another version of the same old rhetoric. I’ve studied meditation, cognitive behaviour therapy, hypnosis, reikijust about anything I could get my hands on that I thought might address the madness. But this information is nothing like that. The concepts in this book are so accountable, credible; I mean this is first principle biology, but not just thatthey’re practical and so logically simple that you realise that addressing the stagnation of our own lives, as well as the evolution of our species, is no longer a taboo subject.

This information is for anyone who has ever wondered “Who am I?”, “What is my purpose?” It’s just completely altering, paradigm-shiftingyou name it, whatever you want to call itit’s all those things! This information takes you on a journey that is two million years in the making, from the birth of intellect to right this secondand the immensity of it is so simple that in the end you just shake your head and say that’s too simple: how have I not thought of that? But we don’t. And I personally think that every single person on the planet owes Jeremy Griffith a pint [of beer] for putting this all together. It’s just beautiful.

It’s not dogma. This book will not tell you what to think. It’s not a ‘drink three glasses of milk every day for strong bones’, ‘say this mantra 10,000 times and you’ll feel inner piece’, or anything like that. It is literally priming you for a conversation with yourself that you need to have, giving you the answers. It’s the teaching. It gives you the answers to every question that you’ve ever asked yourself, and why we react like we do. It’s amazing. I love it.

It’s different for everyone. But I can guarantee that if you’re patient and get through it, you will understand your family, your lover, your friends, complete strangersthey’re all thereand you develop this appreciation for everyone and everything around you. When you realise just how far we have come as a species and what we’ve had to endure, you can’t help but just admire everybody. It’s amazing. We’ve all collectively, literally, dragged ourselves to this pointfought a war…the most destructive war ever in terms of what it’s done to us as a species. But it also explains that it’s all over. We’ve been there, done it, ‘bought the T-shirt’, and this is now our time, and our time to enjoy and be happy and actually really, really, be free. I don’t know how else to put it. It’s stepping into the sun, being able to see everything around you for what it really isit’s not something you can buy; it just doesn’t compare to anything.

At this point I’d like to thank not only Jeremy, but also every member of the WTM for their encouragement, their support; this is a lot to take in and their patience is so profound. The support is fantastic and I seriously look forward to WTM Oxford becoming another vessel to compassionately support all the newcomers that are joining every day, and helping them on their journey to step into the sun. Welcome to the Sunshine Highway, that’s all I can say!


