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WTM FAQ 3.14  Does Jeremy Griffith regard himself as the ‘second coming’ and as the ‘messiah’ that are talked about in the Bible?


Jeremy Griffith’s response:

A ‘messiah’ is ‘a saviour or liberator of a group of people’, and the ‘second coming’ is a Christian and Islamic belief that ‘Jesus…​will return to fulfill the messianic prophecies’ of the ‘defeat [of] the false Messiah’ and ‘the ushering in of a Messianic Age of global universal peace’ (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Messiah; accessed 4 Dec. 2021). Since the biological understanding of the human condition allows us to demystify all mythologies, we can now fully demystify these concepts of the ‘messiah’ and the ‘second coming’.

As is explained in paragraphs 744-746 of FREEDOM, and also in Freedom Essay 39, Christ is the ‘son of God’ in that he was an exceptionally uncorrupted expression of our species’ original all-loving and all-sensitive instinctive self or soul. And as explained in pars 296, 1147 and 1278 of FREEDOM, the real ‘messiah’ or liberator of humanity is science because it found the understandings of the difference in the way genes and nerves process information that made explanation of the human condition possible. And as is also explained in par. 1278 of FREEDOM and F. Essay 39, the ‘second coming’ of exceptional Christ-like innocence refers to the need for a denial-free, truthful-thinking ‘prophet’ (a ‘prophet’ being an exceptionally unresigned thinker) to assemble from science’s hard won insights about the nature of our world (particularly the just mentioned insights into the ways genes and nerves work) the redeeming explanation of the human condition, which is what I have done assisted by Sir Laurens van der Post and in fact all thinkers in history.

What I emphasise in pars 1278-1279 of FREEDOM is that innocence is just one end of the inevitable spectrum of alienation that resulted from humanity’s heroic search for knowledge, and therefore no more special or worthy or wonderful than any other position on the spectrum. I wrote (with the emphasis included) that “If anything, they [the exceptionally innocent] are less worthy because they haven’t been involved in humanity’s heroic battle as much as everyone else; but, in any case, viewing those who have been more involved in the battle as more worthy is not accurate either, because no one could choose where they were going to be born/​positioned on that battlefield. Yes, the fundamental insight that understanding of the human condition gives us is that in the epic battle to defeat ignorance that the human race has been waging for some 2 million years, there was going to be a vast spectrum of exhaustion/​alienation but in this great army of warriors ALL HUMANS ARE EQUALLY GOOD, SPECIAL AND WONDERFUL.”

I went on to emphasise that “Since upset resulted from fighting humanity’s battle against ignorance, upset, exhausted alienation is a heroic state, not a bad, inferior or lesser state, and, by the same logic, relatively alienation-free innocence that resulted from having escaped encounter with all the upset on that battlefield is not in any way better, or in some way more special or more deserving or more wonderful than the overly upset, embattled, alienated state. The differentiation where some people are viewed as bad and others as good has gone forever from our discourse; it doesn’t exist anymore; it has no basis of truth or fact. Understanding of the human condition completely and permanently eliminates the concept of ‘good and evil’. Again, while instinct and intellect had particular concluding roles to play (the soul/​instinct had to synthesise the explanation of the human condition from the insights into the workings of our world that science/​knowledge/​intellect had to first find), the truth is that it is the human race as a whole, all the efforts of every human who has ever lived, that has liberated our species from the horror of the human condition. Understanding the human condition allows us to know that we are all absolutely wonderful, utterly sublime, completely lovable, and that having all fully contributed to humanity’s successful battle against ignorance we are all fabulous heroes of the story of life on Earth. So now we, THE HUMAN RACE AS A WHOLE, should give ourselves the biggest party ever. ”

It is the solving of the human condition that finally allows ‘the false messiah’ of pseudo idealism to be exposed (see Death by Dogma), and the ‘ushering in of a Messianic Age of global universal peace’.


The following is a relevant post made by WTM founding member Tony Gowing on the World Transformation Movement’s Facebook Community page on 7 March 2024:


[Tony’s Facebook post can be seen here.]


The following commentary from a week ago that’s going viral by the renowned podcaster Joe Rogan is confirmation of the World Transformation Movement’s need to patiently wait for the world to become desperate enough for someone influential to break the glass ceiling of the deaf effect and tell the world that Australian biologist Jeremy Griffith’s biological understandings of the human condition gives us the paradigm shift the world so desperately needs to a new truth and love-based understanding of ourselves.

Rogan’s commentary does use Christ as an emblem of this much needed ethical shift, which is somewhat religious, faith-orientated and mystical, when the WTM is all about presenting understanding that ends the need for religious faith and mysticism. Also, while this understanding of the human condition did depend on truthful, denial-free, human-condition-confronting-not-avoiding thinking that prophets like Christ practisedit did in a way depend on a sort of second coming of Christsuch a religious emphasis does distract from the hard science that is being presented by Jeremy.

Despite the religiosity, the fundamental point being made of a building up in the world of a great need and readiness for a new structure of truth and love is completely accurate. Yes, won’t the world be SO excited when the word does finally get out that the first principle, biology-based, ethical structure that the human race has dreamed of, and now so desperately needs, has actually arrived!!!

So, in a subsequent YouTube video titled ‘Joe Rogan calls for Jesus’ (7 March 2024) the media celebrity Russell Brand plays footage of Rogan saying, ‘I think as time rolls on people are going to understand the need to have some sort of divine structure to things, some sort of belief in the sanctity of love and truth. And a lot of that [those values] comes from religion… Ethics are based on our moral compass and we all have one, but that’s not necessarily true [anymore], we need [the values of] Jesus!’ Responding to these comments by Rogan, Brand said, ‘Yes, I do think we need a return of [the values of] Jesus Christ… We need clarity, honesty, open-mindedness and a real alternative in the political sphere… I’d certainly like to see some new independent movements challenging these old institutions.’ (See https://youtu.be/df6CHrGy-lQ?si=7P7q3v40XjynE5Y8.)

Well Joe and Russell, knock yourselves out, listen to THE Interview at www.humancondition.com!

