Video & Transcript of Sebastián Cillo,
WTM Buenos Aires Centre


(To learn more about Sebastián Cillo, see



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Hi, my name is Sebastián Cillo from Argentina. I am very, very honoured to open a World Transformation Movement Centre here in South America, Argentina. I am a physical therapist for more than 20 years now. I treat people with chronic pain and stress-related symptoms from a mind-body perspective. I consider FREEDOM: The End Of The Human Condition and all Jeremy Griffith’s work the most important information in the world.

When I first came across this information through Facebook, I read the comments that “This was the final explanation”, that “This was the knowledge that explained everything”. And at first I didn’t believe it. I thought they were exaggerating. I said, “Oh, another integral theory.” But when I saw THE Interview, something very deep inside me resonated immediately with that information. I felt the urge to go and buy the book, buy FREEDOM, and I couldn’t stop reading it. And when I finished reading FREEDOM, everything made sense. They were not exaggerating about that. This information really explains everything! And I felt so relievedI felt so much relief with this information that I knew that this was the truth.

And I have been searching a lot of information and theories, integral theories, and I’ve been practicing a lot of therapies and methods. I studied psychology, philosophy. And there were a lot of partial truths there, but with Jeremy’s explanation about the human condition, it’s like every piece of the puzzle just came together and you can see the whole picture and everything makes sense.

And what was most significant about the whole information for me was what Jeremy called the ‘Resignation’ stage that happens in the early adolescence [see explanation of the psychological process of Resignation in Freedom Essay 30]. That was a game changer for me; that information about why at that stage of our lives we feel so much anguish and fear and unworthiness and guilt that we cannot comprehend why we behave so selfishly and you feel that you’re a bad person or something is wrong with you, so you start to ask the big questions in that stage for the meaning of life or “Who am I?”, “Why am I behaving selfishly?”, and so on, when we all know our ideals are to be altruistic and loving and selfless. But we cannot get answers from the adulthood, so we ‘resign’, like Jeremy said; we just bury, very deep inside of us, all that pain and all that contradiction inside of us. Because we all know since we are children that the ideal behaviour, the ideals for us, being human beings, is selflessness and cooperative and loving and kind, but we don’t find that in the world, we don’t find that in our families. And we start to behave very selfishly and be very neurotic and psychotic sometimes. So we cannot understand that and there’s a deep pain, deep anguish that we have to hide from us because everyone is hiding that and we resign to those questions because we couldn’t find any answers. But I couldn’t make sense of that until now.

So that explanation about the Resignation stage and why we came to that stage with all the biological, science-based explanation that Jeremy exposed was so astonishing, clear and simple and elegant. And so this is only a part of the work FREEDOM and all the information that Jeremy brings. And with all the biological, science-based information, everything starts to settle. It’s like a big puzzle that there were a lot of parts and now with this, with the information that FREEDOM, the book, mainly brings, all the parts come together and you can see the whole picture and it’s very, very relievingit really sets us free. It’s knowledge, authentic knowledge.

And so I encourage you to search, and to read this book, and to see THE Interviewand I’m so grateful that Jeremy and his team put all this information for free [at] and that accounts for the very truthful intention to release us from suffering from the human condition. And I hope that you can investigate and search and I can assure you that if you try to digest this information, because at first it’s not easy, you will feel so much relief, so much clarity, everything starts to make sense now and it’s a very compassionate explanation, truthfully.

If you have patience, you will have the information that really makes a deep transformation in our minds and everything is more peaceful and you start to perceive things and people and politics and everything with much more coherence and much more optimism.

So you can contact me here in this page and please search the website as there’s a lot of information and all the books are for free, so there is accessibility to that important information. So thank you very much. I hope to make contact. Thank you.Orange quote mark
