A Species In Denial—Introduction
The non-falsifiable situation
This is an appropriate point to address the problem of the ‘non-falsifiable situation’. There has been an inference that those who oppose this information are suffering from denial. In fact I will say that reading my books amounts to an alienation test; the more alienated the reader, the more their mind will resist the truth that is being presented. In support of this I cite Christ, who said, ‘everyone who Page 64 of
Print Edition does evil [has become corrupted] hates the light [the unevasive, denial-free truth], and will not come into the light for fear that his deeds will be exposed’ (John 3:20), and Plato, who has already been quoted as saying: ‘if he [the cave prisoner] were forcibly dragged up the steep and rocky ascent [out of the cave]…into the sunlight…he would much object…his eyes would be so overwhelmed by the brightness…he would turn back and take refuge in the things which he could see’ (Plato The Republic, tr. H.D.P. Lee, 1955, p.280 of 405). Once you propose that alienation is almost universal then the situation exists where people who disagree with or oppose what you are putting forward can feel they are being dismissed as being alienated, evasive and ‘in denial’, leaving them no way to disprove or falsify the explanation being put forward.
The first point to consider is that I did not create the dilemma of the human condition that produced alienation in humans and this conundrum. It is not a ploy to defeat criticism as some have implied.
Secondly, and more importantly, the problem only really exists at the superficial level because the ideas being put forward can be tested as true or otherwise. These are not untestable hypotheses that must be accepted on faith. For example, the existence of denial of the issue of the human condition can easily be established by scientific investigation. I have already quoted many references to and descriptions of denial as initial evidence of its occurrence. In fact, since humans are the subject of this particular study, each person can experience and thus know the truth or otherwise of what is being put forward. Once the explanations are presented and applied—as is done in my books—you will discover they are able to make such sense of human behaviour that your own and everyone else’s becomes transparent. As the Encarta summary of Plato’s allegory states, once free of the cave, the prisoners recognise that ‘the only things they have seen heretofore are shadows and appearances’, not ‘the real world’ at all. This new-found transparency confirms that this understanding is the long-sought explanation of the human condition.