Free: The End of The Human Condition—Conclusion
The Need for a Prophet to Liberate Humanity
To solve this problem what was required was for someone to come along who was exceptionally unevasive, someone with an exceptionally strong and thus good conscience for sieving thePage 181 of
Print Edition mind’s thoughts, who would defy and thus not adopt all our evasions. This person, by retaining only the truthful components of science’s hard-won insights, would assemble the full unevasive truth for us. To defy all our evasions this person would need an exceptionally unrepressed conscience. He would need to be exceptionally sound. The only people who are not at all evasive of the truth, who do not fear integrative meaning/God, who ‘delight in the fear of the Lord’ (Isaiah 11:13) are our prophets, those among us who are exceptionally free of ‘mistreatment’ or hurt (encounter with the compromise and upset to our soul associated with the human condition) who have no cause to evade/repress/alienate their soul and its conscience. The difficulty with this is that humanity has not been able to cultivate soundness/introspection/subjectivity/innocence. We have not cultivated prophets at all, let alone an exceptional one. Quite the reverse, we have repressed them. As mentioned, this is the final manifestation of the basic paradox of the human condition: we do not want the truth but then we do want it! We had to be evasive only to end up wanting someone who was not evasive! We have been destroying what we wanted! We have been unable to collectively cultivate innocence and yet only innocence could confront the truth — could live with the hurtful partial truths that science avoided — could afford to be unevasive — could look at the pieces of the jigsaw right-side up and thus assemble the full picture — could liberate us.
The result of our evasive, objective approach has been that we have been able to do no more than have ‘hope and faith’ that, when we had evasively revealed enough of the mechanisms involved, a person capable of exceptional subjective or unevasive inquiry would just appear. We had to just hope that somewhere in some isolated/sheltered/protected corner of the earth a man would grow up with his soul intact and liberate us. So while the objective evasive approach had to be employed throughout our journey to find understanding in the end we required exceptional subjectivity or introspection or unevasive talent to liberate us.
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Print Edition He would have to be a ‘he’ and not a ‘she’ because, as has been explained before, while women were capable of being exceptionally honest, not being responsible for overthrowing the threat of ignorance they were not in a position to reconcile the upset on earth because at its base the upset was caused by the threat of ignorance. However women had a vital role to play. To produce such exceptional innocence required the occurrence of a woman capable of giving her son only pure love. Since women were made aware of the upset on earth through ‘sex’, what was needed to produce a mother capable of giving a son only pure love was a woman who was not aware of this upset, who had not been exposed to ‘sex’, to ‘fucking’, to the destruction of innocence in women. The image is of a virgin, hence the image of the virgin mother Mary of the exceptionally innocent Christ child. While an exceptional prophet/innocent had to be a male an exceptional mother was required to produce him. The primary role of women was nurturing while the primary role of men was either fighting ignorance (if they were exhausted) or (if they were innocent), fighting/defying evasion. This was a fortunate arrangement since fighting and loving are opposite qualities and thus incompatible in the one person.