Free: The End of The Human Condition—Conclusion
The Limitations of Having to be Mechanistic
Progressing evasively, mechanistically, while it was the only approach we could take, nevertheless had severe limitations and consequences which now have to be confronted.
By stressing only objectivity/mechanism/reductionism/cleverness/evasion and evading subjectivity/holism/expansionism/soundness/confrontation, science was bound to become unbalanced. The result was that it ended up extremely insecure with an accumulated mountain of evaded truths.
Starting out God-fearing science would end up God-terrified. It would slam the door on anyone trying to acknowledge integrative meaning. When this author naively went to London in 1983Page 180 of
Print Edition to personally submit a summary of the ideas in this book to Nature magazine (one of, if not the leading scientific journal in the world) for publication the door to their offices was all but slammed shut against him when he mentioned integrative meaning.
Its insecurity aside, the main problem science created for itself with its evasive approach was: how did it hope ever to dismantle the ‘mountain of evasion’ it had accumulated; how was the full liberating truth to be extracted from all these evasively presented insights. Science did a magnificent job of finding the mechanisms, all the pieces of the jigsaw of explanation, but presented them upside or picture-side down because it could not look at the picture while it was incomplete. But this made it impossible for science to gain an overview, to assemble all the pieces of the jigsaw. It was not possible for humanity to find its freedom this way. It was unable to be unevasive through its science.
The full truth about ourselves could only be found by confronting/living with/accepting the many hurtful partial truths that most of us were evading. That was the final paradox. For example, the process of love-indoctrination could not be recognised if love or selflessness was not seen as meaningful. The whole jigsaw of explanation would not come together unless integrative meaning was accepted. The full truth could only be built from the many hurtful partial truths that science was evading!