WTM FAQ 1.24 Why does the WTM allow seemingly absurd and offensive comments like “I really think this man will become recognised as the best thinker this world has ever seen, and don’t we need him right now” to be publicised on its website?
The reason is because of the evidence that it may well be true. For example, Professor Harry Prosen, a former President of the Canadian Psychiatric Association, wrote in his Introduction to Jeremy Griffith’s definitive presentation, FREEDOM:
“I once read that the great philosophers each had an acute grasp of their own small piece of an unthinkably huge and interlocking puzzle, but nobody has ever put the pieces together into a single coherent system (Steve King, ‘Post-Structuralism or Nothing’, 1996; see <www.wtmsources.com/135>). Well, that is no longer the case because Jeremy provides that great unifying, make-sense-of-everything synthesis—for not only does his treatise explain the human condition—our species’ capacity for what has been called ‘good’ and ‘evil’ (in chapter 1 and chapter 3)—his ability to plumb the great depths of this most foreboding of all subjects has meant that he has also been able to provide the fully accountable explanation of the other great outstanding mysteries in science of the meaning of human existence (chapter 4), the origin of our unconditionally selfless moral instincts (chapter 5 and chapter 6), and why humans became conscious when other animals haven’t (chapter 7). And in unlocking those insights, he has in turn been able to make sense of every other aspect of our troubled human condition, including the strained relationship between men and women, sex as humans practice it, the origin and nature of politics, religion, and so many other human phenomena (chapter 8). Indeed, preposterous as it must seem, what this book effectively does is take humanity from a state of bewilderment about the nature of human behavior and existence to a state of profound understanding of our lives. It truly is a case of having got all the truth up in one go. Understanding of our species’ troubled human condition has finally emerged to drain away all the pain, suffering, confusion and conflict from the world—and, given our plight, its arrival couldn’t be more timely or serious. If there was ever a case of cometh the hour, cometh the man, this is it!”
(You can read more extraordinary commendations for Jeremy Griffith and his thesis from thought leaders here.)
And to reproduce the quote from the esteemed ecologist Professor Stuart Hurlbert that the publishers put on the back cover of Jeremy Griffith’s book AI, Aliens & Conspiracies: the truthful analysis:
“I am stunned & honored to have lived to see the coming of ‘Darwin II’. I say this because after Darwin’s theory of Natural Selection explained the variety of life, Jeremy Griffith has gone on to solve the other four main questions science had to answer about our world and place in it. They are: 1) the dilemma of the human condition, which his instinct vs intellect explanation in chapter 3 of his main, seminal book FREEDOM finally solves; 2) how we humans became fully conscious when other species haven’t, which he answers in chapter 7; 3) the origins of humans’ unique moral nature, which he answers in chapter 5, which it turns out American philosopher John Fiske had already explained in 1874 but mechanistic science had ignored; and 4) the truth of the Integrative Meaning of existence (which we have personified as ‘God’), in chapter 4, which only a rare few thinkers in history have been able to recognize. A most phenomenal scientific achievement!”
That back cover went on to further point out the brilliance of Jeremy’s thinking, saying: “Given Griffith’s astounding clarity of thought and capacity for insight, it is very interesting and helpful to hear his thoughts on the much discussed questions about the danger of Artificial Intelligence (AI), the possibility of alien life visiting Earth, and the epidemic of conspiracy theories. Indeed, as you will see, his insights are incredibly enlightening! AI, Aliens & Conspiracies: the truthful analysis is a must-read.”
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For further reading, see FAQ 3.13 ‘Is there an unhealthy focus on Jeremy Griffith within the WTM?’ in which it is explained that the focus of all the work undertaken by the World Transformation Movement is not on Jeremy Griffith but the urgently needed biological explanation of the human condition that he puts forward. In fact, rather than venerating Jeremy (or any other personality), the WTM’s work is entirely logic-based and actually obsoletes the need for any adherence to faith and dogma and worship and egocentricity.
FAQ 1.17, which addresses the question ‘Shouldn’t your website be toned down, all the ‘hyperbole’ removed and the ‘congested’, ‘loud’ and ‘aggressive’ layout replaced with a gentler, more welcoming format?’, may also be of interest.