Please note, links to all the Freedom Essays are included at the end of this essay. Open any essay to read, print, download, share or listen to (as an audio).
Freedom Essay 17
Thought Leader and Centre Founder Commendations
The dark night sky of our human-condition-stricken world is lighting up with joy and excitement as Jeremy Griffith’s breakthrough understanding of the human condition generates amazing commendations from an impressive array of scholars, social leaders, and WTM Centre founders from all over the world!
As explained in Video/Freedom Essay 1 at the top of the WTM’s website, the human condition has been the most difficult of all subjects for humans to face, but now that it has at last been explained and made safe to confront, an absolutely fabulous new world where humans can live free of the human condition opens up.
Certainly, as the Nobel Prize-winning playwright George Bernard Shaw said, ‘All great truths begin as blasphemies’, and since there is no greater ‘blasphemy’, or change of a way of thinking, than living with the previously unconfrontable issue of the human condition, it is not surprising that appreciation and support for this greatest of all breakthroughs was going to take time.
Predictably then, this project has had to overcome all manner of scepticism and resistance; but recognition is starting to emerge from thought leaders who have touted it as ‘the understanding that ends all prejudices, like racism, forever’; as providing the ‘true liberation of women and the reconciliation of the sexes’; and being nothing less than ‘The book we have been waiting for, it is the book that saves the world!’. In addition, since the original WTM Centre in Sydney was established in 1983, many, many other WTM Centres have begun to open around the world, and their numbers have been multiplying almost exponentially every year.
When the philosopher Teilhard de Chardin said that ‘The Truth has to only appear once…for it to be impossible for anything ever to prevent it from spreading universally and setting everything ablaze’, he was anticipating the ‘tipping point’ the WTM has now reached where its fabulous, dreamed-of, human-race-transforming biological ‘Truth’ about the human condition is ‘spreading universally and setting everything ablaze’!
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Watch some extraordinary commendations from thought leaders by clicking the video players below.
“Truly, this is the book that saves the world—yes, I believe this is the most sensational information to ever appear on planet Earth.”
Professor Harry Prosen, former President of the Canadian Psychiatric Association, presenting FREEDOM at Milwaukee Zoo bonobo exhibit
“I am stunned & honored to have lived to see the coming of ‘Darwin II’.”
Professor Stuart Hurlbert, esteemed ecologist and Professor Emeritus of Biology at San Diego State University
“This understanding of the human condition will end all prejudices, like racism, forever.”
Franklin Mukakanga, former advertising director, radio host, psychological therapist & founder of the WTM Zambia Centre
“This explanation brings about the true liberation of women and the reconciliation of the sexes.”
Dr Anna Fitzgerald, molecular biologist, co-founded the WTM Auckland Centre, and became a Director of World Transformation Movement, Inc. in 2019
“This book is astonishing, its paradigm shifting. It has to be the most important book ever written.”
Tim Macartney-Snape, biologist, world-renowned mountaineer & twice-honoured Order of Australia recipient, talking about FREEDOM
“It feels like a veil has been lifted…it’s exhilarating, redeeming, empowering and transforming.”
Professor Karen Riley, BScPhm, PharmD, clinical assistant professor, practicing clinical pharmacist & founder of the WTM Toronto Centre
Jeremy’s presentations of his breakthrough insight into the human condition have attracted further praise and enthusiasm from thought leaders and members of the general public (click on the boxes to read more):
Praise From Thought Leaders About Jeremy Griffith’s Treatise
‘I think the fastest growing realization everywhere is that humanity can’t go on the way it is going. Indeed, the great fear is we’re entering end game where we appear to have lost the race between self-destruction and self-understanding — the race to find the psychologically relieving explanation of our ‘good and evil’-stricken human condition.
What this book of books, in fact this greatest of all books, does is take humanity from a state of bewilderment about the nature of human behavior and existence to a state of profound understanding of our lives — understanding that drains away all the pain, suffering, confusion and conflict from the world. This is the book we have been waiting for, it is THE BOOK THAT SAVES THE WORLD!’ and ‘FREEDOM is the book that saves the world…cometh the hour, cometh the man.’
PROFESSOR HARRY PROSEN, former President of the Canadian Psychiatric Association, and former Chair, Psychiatry Department, Medical College of Wisconsin
(Response to ‘FREEDOM: The End Of The Human Condition’; and an extract from his Introduction to ‘FREEDOM’)
‘Nothing Dr. Prosen has said about the immense importance of this book is an exaggeration. This is the book all humans need to read for our collective wellbeing.’ and ‘I have recommended his more recent work to my students precisely for his razor-sharp clarifications of positions of contemporary authors like Edward O. Wilson, Richard Dawkins, and Robert Wright. Griffith manages to summarize book-length expositions of these oftentimes obtuse and varying perspectives on human evolution with clarity and brilliance.’
PROFESSOR SCOTT D. CHURCHILL, former Chair, Psychology Department, University of Dallas
(Response to ‘FREEDOM: The End Of The Human Condition’; and an extract from an Expert Report, 2007)
‘The sequence of discussion in FREEDOM is so logical and sensible, providing the necessary breakthrough in the critical issue of needing to understand ourselves.’
PROFESSOR DAVID CHIVERS, University of Cambridge anthropologist and former President of the Primate Society of Great Britain
(Response to ‘FREEDOM: The End Of The Human Condition’)
‘This book is actually written from a position outside of the human condition. It is just amazing; Griffith walks freely through all the psychosis of our troubled human condition and with such freedom is able to explain everything about us!’ and ‘The WTM is an island of sanity in a sea of madness.’
TIM MACARTNEY-SNAPE, biologist, mountaineer and twice-honoured Order of Australia recipient
(Response to ‘FREEDOM: The End Of The Human Condition’)
‘I am stunned & honored to have lived to see the coming of “Darwin II”. I say this because after Darwin’s theory of Natural Selection explained the variety of life, Jeremy Griffith has gone on to solve the other four main questions science had to answer about our world and place in it. They are: 1) the dilemma of the human condition, which his instinct vs intellect explanation in chapter 3 of his main, seminal book FREEDOM finally solves; 2) how we humans became fully conscious when other species haven’t, which he answers in chapter 7; 3) the origins of humans’ unique moral nature, which he answers in chapter 5, which it turns out American philosopher John Fiske had already explained in 1874 but mechanistic science had ignored; and 4) the truth of the Integrative Meaning of existence (which we have personified as ‘God’), in chapter 4, which only a rare few thinkers in history have been able to recognize. A most phenomenal scientific achievement!’
PROFESSOR STUART HURLBERT, Professor Emeritus of Biology at San Diego State University
(Response to ‘FREEDOM: The End Of The Human Condition’)
‘As a therapist this is a simply brilliant explanation.’
JAYSON FIRMAGER, founder of Holistic Therapist Magazine
(Response to ‘THE Interview’)
‘Living without this understanding is like living back in the stone age, that’s how massive the change it brings is!’ and ‘I think FREEDOM is best described as a manual to life which really sits well for me because it’s the ultimate brain food for humans. Thinking of Isaiah’s summary of our predicament (Jeremy quotes in par. 278 of FREEDOM) that is stated as “justice is far from us, and righteousness does not reach us. We look for light, but all is darkness; for brightness, but we walk in deep shadows. Like the blind we grope along the wall, feeling our way like men without eyes… Truth is nowhere to be found”. The information in FREEDOM really does resolve our psychologically troubled human condition. Life went from feeling bewildering and confusing to something that was clearly transparent – I am now able to understand and see through all the behavior around me.’
PROFESSOR KAREN RILEY, clinical pharmacist
(Responses to ‘THE Interview’ and ‘FREEDOM: The End Of The Human Condition’)
‘The line of reasoning in Beyond the Human Condition [1991] is exactly continuous…[Jeremy Griffith] accurately accounts for data from the fossil record, from the behavioral ecology of living primates (especially great ape behavior), and from comparative anatomy…its scholarly value is comparable to several of the most celebrated publications in biology.’
PROFESSOR WALTER HARTWIG, anthropologist and former Chair of Department of Basic Sciences, College of Osteopathic Medicine, Touro University, California
(Expert Report, 2007)
‘Frankly, I am ‘blown away’ as the saying goes…The ground-breaking significance of this work is tremendous.’
PROFESSOR PATRICIA GLAZEBROOK, former Chair of Philosophy, Dalhousie University
(Response to ‘The Human Condition Documentary Proposal’)
‘I’ve no doubt a fascinating television series could be made based upon this.’
SIR DAVID ATTENBOROUGH, Britain’s most famous naturalist
(Response to ‘The Human Condition Documentary Proposal’)
‘It might help bring about a paradigm shift in the self-image of humanity – an outcome that in the past only the great world religions have achieved.’
PROFESSOR MIHALY CSIKSZENTMIHALYI, psychologist, Claremont Graduate University, described as “world's leading researcher on positive psychology”
(Response to ‘The Human Condition Documentary Proposal’)
‘I am simply overwhelmed…I find it astonishing and impressive.’
JOSEPH CHILTON PEARCE, American bestselling author of ‘Magical Child’
(Response to ‘The Human Condition Documentary Proposal’)
‘In all of written history there are only 2 or 3 people who’ve been able to think on this scale about the human condition.’
PROFESSOR ANTHONY BARNETT, zoologist, author and broadcaster of popular science program
(From recorded interview with Jeremy Griffith, 15 Jan. 1983)
But most importantly, now that we've found the redeeming understanding of the human condition, everyone can safely confront the human condition!
‘Could you please send me an extra copy of your book? [Mine] is on loan because it was so appreciated.’
SIR LAURENS VAN DER POST, pre-eminent philosopher and author
(Response to ‘Free: The End of the Human Condition’)
‘a superb book…[that] brings out the truth of a new and wider frontier for humankind, a forward view of a world of humans no longer in naked competition amongst ourselves.’
PROFESSOR JOHN MORTON, zoologist, University of Auckland
(Response to ‘A Species In Denial’)
‘The proposal is indeed impressive.’
DR ROGER LEWIN, British prize-winning science writer and author
(Response to ‘The Human Condition Documentary Proposal’)
‘I have never heard of anything comparable before.’
PROFESSOR FRIEDEMANN SCHRENK, paleobiologist, Goethe University Frankfurt
(Response to ‘The Human Condition Documentary Proposal’)
‘The ideas you present are provocative, and many of them strike me as being spot-on…The issues you discuss are critical, and I’m heartened that you are surfacing them and grappling with them intelligently.’
LIEUTENANT COLONEL DR WILLIAM D. CASEBEER, cognitive scientist and philosopher; USAF, Chief of Eurasian Intelligence Analysis, NATO Military Headquarters
(Response to ‘The Human Condition Documentary Proposal’)
‘This is a most amazing project. It is strongly interdisciplinary, visionary and forward-looking.’
PROFESSOR MARC BEKOFF, organismic biologist, University of Colorado
(Response to ‘The Human Condition Documentary Proposal’)
‘Professor Hawking [responding through his secretary because he suffers from motor neurone disease] is most interested in your impressive proposal.’
PROFESSOR STEPHEN HAWKING, world-leading physicist, University of Cambridge
(Response to ‘The Human Condition Documentary Proposal’)
‘I consider the book to be the work of a prophet and I expect the author to become recognised as a saint.’
DR RONALD STRAHAN, former director of Sydney’s Taronga Park Zoo
(Response to ‘Free: The End of the Human Condition’)
‘Griffith makes the right emphasis when he identifies the order of the universe and its cosmic and biological evolution as the issue that brings science and religion together…he gives us a genuinely original and inspiring way of understanding ourselves and our place in the universe. His vision is one I embrace with enthusiasm and commend to all those who are searching for meaning.’
PROFESSOR CHARLES BIRCH, Templeton Prize winner and Professor of Biology, University of Sydney
(Response to ‘Beyond The Human Condition’)
‘Was Jeremy Griffith struck by lightning on the road to Damascus. Such was my cynicism. Then whack! Wham! I was increasingly impressed and then converted by his erudite explanation for society’s competitive and self-destructive behaviour.’
MACUSHLA O’LOAN, Executive Woman’s Report magazine, Australia
(Response to ‘Free: The End of the Human Condition’)
‘I believe you are on to getting answers to much that has puzzled and bewildered humanity for a long time.’
DR IAN PLAYER, South African conservationist, naturalist and philosopher
(Response to ‘A Species In Denial’)
‘The insights and ideas are fascinating and pertinent and must be developed and disseminated.’
DR GEORGE SCHALLER, American zoologist and author
(Response to ‘The Human Condition Documentary Proposal’)
‘A breakthrough in understanding the human condition.’
DR JOHN CHAMPNESS, Australian psychologist and educator
(Response to ‘A Species In Denial’)
‘very impressive. I particularly enjoyed the primatology section.’
PROFESSOR STEPHEN OPPENHEIMER, Oxford University geneticist and author of ‘Out of Eden’
(Response to ‘The Human Condition Documentary Proposal’)
‘Questions of the size you raise tend to stagger me (as they do most people) into silence…What you’re doing is admirable.’
IAN FRAZIER, bestselling American author of ‘Great Plains’ and ‘Travels in Siberia’
(Response to ‘The Human Condition Documentary Proposal’)
‘Griffith should be given Nobel prizes for peace, biology, medicine; actually every Nobel prize there is!’
‘He nailed it, nailed the whole thing, just like the world going from FLAT to ROUND, BOOM the WHOLE WORLD CHANGES, no joke.’
‘FREEDOM will be the most influential, world-changing book in history, and time will now be delineated as BG, before Griffith, or AG, after Griffith.’
‘I’m speechless – this is bigger than natural selection & the theory of relativity!’
‘I really think this man will become recognized as the best thinker this world’s ever seen, and don’t we need him right now!’
‘Griffith has decoded the human species, we FINALLY know what’s going on & the suffering stops!’
‘The world can't deny this for much longer, let the light in, save the human race!’
‘This is the most exciting moment in my life. THE Interview tore my hat off & let my brain fly into the sky. Oh thank you.’
‘THE Interview should be globally broadcast daily. The healing explanation humans so sorely need.’
‘In a world thats lost its way theres no greater breakthrough, water to a world dying of thirst.’
‘Dawn has come at Midnight! A brilliant exposition, we could be on the cusp of regaining Paradise!’
‘This man has broken the great silence, defeated our denial, got the truth up, woken us from a great trance.’
‘Beware the ‘deaf effect’ — your mind will initially resist the issue of our corrupted condition and so find it hard to take in or hear what’s being said, but if you’re patient you’ll find its redeeming insight pure relief.’
‘John Lennon pleaded “just give me some truth”, well this site finally gives us all the truth!’
‘FREEDOM is the most profound book since the Bible, now with the redeeming truth about us humans.’
‘Death by Dogma is brilliant clarification.’
‘We were given a computer brain, but no program for it; but Aha, Griffith has found it, made sense of our lives!’
‘This just goes deeper & deeper in explaining us, like dawn devouring darkness, amazing!’
‘Agree, this is not another deluded, pseudo idealistic, bandaid, false start to a better world, but the human-condition-resolved real solution.’
‘Freedom indeed! What we have here is the second coming of innocence who exposes us but sets us free!’
‘As prophesised, King Arthur has returned to save us (mentioned in par.1036 F)’
‘We all need to go back to school & learn this truthful explanation of life.’
‘Join in our jubilation, your magic reunites, all men become brothers, all good all bad, be embraced millions! This kiss [of understanding] for the whole world’ – From Beethoven’s 9th Symphony, see paragraph 1049 of FREEDOM!
‘The Book of Jeremy. A red pill moment. Definitely the last book I’ll ever need to read.’
‘I don’t care what question you have, this book will answer it.’
‘If Plato and Aristotle were alive and read Griffith, they would die happy men.’
‘We don’t have to put up with “Not Knowing” anymore.’
‘tears stream down my face, so overcome have I been by this book. It is the greatest book on the planet, no wait, in the universe. In fact it is the greatest anything in the universe.’
‘Here is the breakthrough biological explanation that PROVES we are ALL very, very good.’
‘Fuck I love the truth and my brothers and sisters from WTM.’
‘This, to me, is the most significant thing I have ever stumbled across. If it doesn’t hit you right away—it will down the road.’
‘We have horse & dog whisperers, readers of their behaviour, but what we need & now have in Griffith is the human whisperer!!’
‘Yes, THE most important interview!’
‘It takes time to understand how profound this is but it changes everything.’
‘I have probably watched these videos over 100 times. Gah! words are too limited for this. Here have some love brother!☺’
‘This book is why I’m alive enough to scribe to you. Joy and Love to you all.’
‘FREEDOM is honestly an astonishing piece of work…I said to my daughter, if you read this book you won’t need to go to university.’
‘[Griffith’s writing] is a paradigm shift of a read. Awesome…The smartest author I have read in the past decade.’
‘I can’t speak highly enough of the insight that Jeremy Griffith has discovered. Truly it unlocks all apparent paradoxes of the human experience…you will find your mind bent wide open.’
‘Possibly the greatest and most transformative discovery made by science in recent times.’
‘Nothing comes close to griffiths perfect explanation...I’ve never read anything like it. An absolute fantastic read that actually leaves you with hope and not hopelessness.’
‘It is incredibly interesting on many, many levels.’
‘The Truth is Here—I would just like to get this out there.’
‘This new dimension of meaning and explanation that we can access thanks to the solidarity of Jeremy Griffith’s complete package of scientific insight, is simply breathtaking.’
‘the sublime brilliance of its central thesis…This book [FREEDOM] is a towering achievement in its insight and implications for all of humanity…Reading FREEDOM is, after thousands of years of tormented human history, like finally busting out of the jail of human confusion and alienation. A stunning achievement.’
‘[Griffith’s] work is revolutionary and absolutely necessary for all!’
‘Man, I’m learning so much from this book...It will really transform the way you think about life.’
‘This book is a true life- changer and much needed mind- opener.’
‘I really recommend reading this book...Especially chapters 8 and 9 which are mind- blowing and dead accurate.’
‘This is the best description of Christ I have ever read! [FREEDOM paragraphs 877 and 929-935]’
Watch the following videos—which are presented in chronological order—to hear what inspired these founders to open a WTM Centre, and you can then click on the links to explore their websites.
“Jeremy Griffith has solved the human condition …we can now solve every problem on Earth!”
Stefan Rössler, co-founder of two successful IT businesses, university lecturer & founder of the WTM Austria Centre
“This is a triumph for science and for the whole of humanity.”
“The information is true, and will end all the pain and suffering, and bring peace to Earth!”
Annemieke Akker, M.Sc, biologist, editor and translator, and the late Hendrik Riksen, application development manager in engineering plastics & co- founders of the WTM Amsterdam Centre
“I’m so glad I’m alive to witness this… everyone in the world will soon understand the dignifying and redeeming biological truth about us humans!”
Angela Ryan, lawyer with the Victorian Department of Justice, Bachelor of Science graduate & founder of the WTM Ballarat Centre
“Everyone must know ‘the scientific principle that everyone is born good and equal’ which Jeremy’s explanation reveals the truth of.”
Michael Manolis, musical director & performer, co- creator of Bran Nue Dae & founder of the WTM Broome Centre
“FREEDOM is, and could be, and will be, the book that saves the world, and the joy of that is you will be part of it!”
“The future of humankind depends upon these hard won truths…”
Linda MacCarthy, Irish craft and design entrepreneur, student of the humanities & founder of the WTM Dublin Centre
“Jeremy’s work transforms how psychology and psychotherapy should be taught and used.”
Julie Parmenter, psychotherapist, counsellor, founder of The Dancing Soul & founder of the WTM Athlone Centre
“Jeremy’s explanation of the human condition is the key to ending all the suffering in the world.”
Sophie Paradis, MAIS, BIB, key account manager & founder of the WTM Ottawa Centre
“I think Jeremy deserves a Nobel prize, and I say there should be three Nobel prizes to him!”
Christof Zehntner, M.Sc. ETH, former division head at Armasuisse, and Birthe Zehntner, medical lab technician, lactation consultant & co-founders of the WTM Switzerland Centre
“This is a movement that will take us all to our destiny, together.”
Reginald Khotshobe of the Xhosa people, IT professional & Igqirha [traditional healer] & founder of the WTM Eastern Cape Centre
“I’m certain this information is the key to ending all the suffering in the world.”
Carlos Cruz Blanco, chemical engineer, Research & Development scientist & founder of the WTM Colombia Centre
“The work of the WTM is providing the cure for everything that is destroying our planet.”
Doug Gibbs, counsellor, head of student support & founder of the WTM Whangarei Centre
“All my life’s questions have been answered in this awesome breath-taking work of Jeremy Griffith.”
“We can come home from our journey with the holy grail of understanding in hand & all of the old armor we built for ourselves can just simply fall away.”
Dustin Hull, master’s student in psychology (training to become a child counsellor) & founder of the WTM Tampa Centre
“I am deeply grateful that this knowledge & joyful message crossed my desk in my lifetime. I am simply blown away.”
Cees Meiboom, IT professional (retired), chess coach & founder of the WTM Centurion Centre
“FREEDOM is unlike anything you’ve read before. And the more you return to it, the layers and layers just peel away. It’s phenomenal.”
Beth Williamson, mother of two and a former teacher, environmental advocate and local councillor & founder of the WTM Herefordshire Centre
“If this information were widespread, humans would be enabled & motivated to work cooperatively for the betterment of the world and all its creatures.”
Claire Rickie, cleaner, mother & founder of the WTM Kent Centre
“This is it for me, I will be living in line with these understandings for the rest of my life.”
The following WTM Centres also have presentations and websites coming soon:
WTM Seattle (USA), founded by Jeff Palon
WTM Bolton (England), founded by Jack Soden
WTM Pamplona (Spain), founded by Hodei Cia
WTM Tweed Heads (Australia), founded by Colleen Fryar
WTM Ethiopia, founded by Tibebe Hailegiorgis
WTM Slovenia, founded by Ales Flisar
WTM Bialystok (Poland), founded by Mariusz Zaleski
WTM Plymouth (England), founded by Nick Rule
WTM Frankfurt (Germany), founded by Susanne Supper
As you can see, WTM Centres are opening everywhere—so contact your nearest Centre and get involved, or if you would like to start a Centre contact us HERE.
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Watch Jeremy Griffith present the breakthrough redeeming explanation of the human condition in THE Interview; for a fuller explanation read chapter 3 of FREEDOM; and for a summary presentation of the key ‘instinct vs intellect’ explanation watch Video/F. Essay 3.
Discussion or comment on this essay is welcomed—see below.
Please Note, if you are online you can read, print, download or listen to (as a podcast) THE Interview, The Great Guilt, The Great Transformation, Sermon On The Beach or any of the following Freedom Essays by clicking on them, or you can find them all at
These essays were created in 2017-2024 by Jeremy Griffith, Damon Isherwood, Fiona Cullen-Ward, Brony FitzGerald & Lee Jones of the Sydney WTM Centre. All filming and editing of the videos was carried out by Sydney WTM members James Press & Tess Watson during 2017-2024. Other members of the Sydney WTM Centre are responsible for the distribution and marketing of the videos/essays, and for providing subscriber support.
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