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Freedom Essay 18


FREEDOM The story of life on Earth
in 9 extraordinary chapters!


Front cover of ‘FREEDOM: The End Of The Human Condition’


In his book FREEDOM: The End Of The Human Condition, Australian biologist Jeremy Griffith has ventured to the bottom of the dark depths of what it is to be human and returned with the fully accountable, true explanation of our seemingly imperfect lives. At long last we have the redeeming and thus transforming understanding of human behaviour!

And with that explanation found all the other great outstanding scientific mysteries about our existence are now also able to be explainedof the meaning of our existence, of the origin of our unconditionally selfless moral instincts, of why we humans became conscious when other animals haven’t, and of the emergence of humans from our ape ancestor through to our present immensely human-condition-afflicted upset state. As the eminent ecologist Professor Stuart Hurlbert from San Diego State University, California, wrote: ‘I am stunned & honored to have lived to see the coming of ‘Darwin II’. I say this because after Darwin’s theory of Natural Selection explained the variety of life, Jeremy Griffith has gone on to solve the other four main questions science had to answer about our world and place in it. They are: 1) the dilemma of the human condition, which his instinct vs intellect explanation in chapter 3 of his main, seminal book FREEDOM finally solves; 2) how we humans became fully conscious when other species haven’t, which he answers in chapter 7; 3) the origins of humans’ unique moral nature, which he answers in chapter 5, which it turns out American philosopher John Fiske had already explained in 1874 but mechanistic science had ignored; and 4) the truth of the Integrative Meaning of existence (which we have personified as ‘God’), in chapter 4, which only a rare few thinkers in history have been able to recognize. And having been able to solve those primary issues he has, in chapter 8, using first principle and fully accountable biological explanations been able to resolve all the secondary problems like: the polarized state of politics; the rift between men and women; the schism between science and religion; the conflict between individuals and between races (thus ending aggression and war at its source); and, above all, bring an end to the threat of terminal psychosis and our species’ extinction! A truly phenomenal, beyond description, scientific achievement!’ And in his Introduction to FREEDOM, Professor Harry Prosen, a former President of the Canadian Psychiatric Association, emphasised this avalanche of understanding when he wrote, ‘…what this book effectively does is take humanity from a state of bewilderment about the nature of human behavior and existence to a state of profound understanding of our lives. It truly is a case of having got all the truth up in one go.’

Yes, in FREEDOM, the full story of life on Earth is finally told, in 9 extraordinary chapters!


Chapter 1 presents an analysis of the true nature of the human condition and our species’ intrinsic fear of the subject, and a summary of the understanding that ends the underlying insecurity and resulting psychosis of everyone’s condition and, through doing so, transforms every human into a new, human-condition-free person.


The painting, Cringing in Terror by William Blake, of a naked and crouched figure embracing himself in a fiery hell.

William Blake’s Cringing in Terror

The painting, Albion Arose by William Blake, of a naked figure raising his arms in joy standing in front of a bursting sun.

William Blake’s Albion Arose


Chapter 2 explains why and how biologist E.O. Wilson and the rest of mechanistic science have been leading humanity to terminal alienation. Unable to confront the psychological dilemma of the human conditionour species’ seemingly inexplicable capacity for both ‘good and evil’humanity and its vehicle for enquiry, mechanistic science, has been in denial of the issue, presenting increasingly dishonest excuses for our uniquely contradictory behaviour.


Chapter 3 provides the truthful, human-condition-confronting, fully accountable, psychosis addressing-and-solving, real biological explanation of the human condition. The human condition emerged some 2 million years ago when our intellect evolved sufficiently to wrest control from our instinctsa conflict that caused an upsetting psychological condition that is the underlying issue in all human affairs.


Chapter 4 explains the teleological meaning of human existence. With humans’ upset and divisive state defended, we can finally recognise the true integrative meaning of life and the laws of physics that govern itand also demystify the concept of ‘God’ as the ‘integrative process’.


Chart showing the development of order or integration of matter on Earth

Development of Order or Integration of Matter on Earth


Chapter 5 explains how humans acquired their altruistic moral soul. Evidence from primatology and anthropology illustrates how ‘love-indoctrination’, the process whereby nurturing leads to infants being ‘indoctrinated’ into behaving selflessly, led to the emergence of genuinely altruistic moral instincts in our ancestors.


Bonobo Matata and her adopted son, Kanzi, and Jeremy’s drawing of Madonna and child


Chapter 6 reveals mechanistic science’s dangerous denial of the nurturing origins of humans’ moral nature. Current nurturing-denying scientific explanations for our cooperative behaviour are exposed and dismantled. This chapter includes description of the resistance this explanation has met, and its ultimate triumph in what was at the time the biggest defamation case in Australia’s history.


Chapter 7 presents the fully accountable biological explanation for how, why and when humans became conscious.


Chapter 8 delivers the denial-free account of our species’ heroic journey from ignorance to enlightenment. Humanity’s 7+ million year journey from Sahelanthropus through to Homoa progression driven by our developing psychologyis paralleled with the life of an individual through Infancy, Childhood, Adolescence to Adulthood. This chapter includes the explanation of the roles of men and women in this journey, the explanation of sex as humans have practised it, the explanation of religion and politics, and many, many other insights into human behaviour.


A series of seven human fossil skulls arranged in order of increasing brain case size and corresponding species maturation.


Chapter 9. The final chapter explains how this psychosis-addressing-and-explaining, real biological explanation of the human condition heals our species’ upset and transforms the human race!


Soulful innocent happy children


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Read FREEDOM, its ideal introduction, THE Interview, or its powerful condensation, Transform Your Life And Save The World.


This series of F. Essays provides a summary of the core concepts explained in FREEDOM, including: the explanation of the human condition (Video/​F. Essay 3); of the origin of our unconditionally selfless moral instincts (F. Essay 21); of the meaning of our existence (F. Essay 23); and of why we humans became conscious when other animals haven’t (F. Essay 24)as well as many other aspects of the human condition. The list of F. Essays below indicates the scope of subjects explained in FREEDOM.


Discussion or comment on this email is welcomedsee below.




These essays were created in 2017-2024 by Jeremy Griffith, Damon Isherwood, Fiona
Cullen-Ward, Brony FitzGerald & Lee Jones of the Sydney WTM Centre. All filming and
editing of the videos was carried out by Sydney WTM members James Press & Tess Watson
during 2017-2024. Other members of the Sydney WTM Centre are responsible for the
distribution and marketing of the videos/​essays, and for providing subscriber support.



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