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AAAS 607
Abraham, the prophet: critical contribution 906; demystified 751; monotheism 325, 840; the feast that saved humanity 614-615
Adam and Eve 155-156; heroes not villains 65-66, 273-275; naked 783; parallels Adam Stork 58, 65, 252; sexual desire 162-165, 794
Adam Stork analogy 56-66, 250-260; pseudo idealism 885-886, 890
ADHD 945-952, 962, 966-968, 981, 984, 987
adolescence 106, 266-267, 708-716, 738-768. See also Resignation
Adolescentman 713-715; Adventurous Early Adulthood 765-768; Angry Adulthood 845-871; Distressed Adolescence 741-764; Early Sobered Adolescence 739-740; Hollow Final Adulthood 894-901; Pseudo Idealistic Late Adulthood 872-893
adventure 67, 756, 763, 766-767
Africa: cradle of mankind 467, 471-472, 487, 835; picture 386
afterlife 840
Aitken, Robin 1099
Akhenaton: monotheism 325
Albrechtsen, Janet 813-814
Alexander, Richard 665-668
alienation: danger of 1120; definition 259; destroys ability to nurture 961-994; detail focused 683-684; extent of 123-125, 220-232, 642, 677-689, 834-835, 954-957; terminal 944-960, 1108-1111, 1241-1243; twice alienated 689
Allot, Robin 323, 488, 491, 501
Almond Trees, The 1265-1272
altruistic moral sense: origin of 375-476
Ames, Evelyn 472
ancestor worship 839-840
Andersen, Hans Christian: Emperor’s New Clothes 1249-1250, 1261
André, Claudine 418
anger, egocentricity and alienation 62, 257, 726-727
animal condition 355, 357, 394, 425-426, 833, 840
animism and nature worship 838, 840
anxiety disorders 942, 945-954; from lack of nurturing 962; healing tools 958
apocalypse 229, 1058-1060; definition 1153; Four Horsemen 946
Appleyard, Bryan 199
Arabs 912-915, 1028, 1033, 1038, 1053; contribution of 1045
Ardipithecus 396-411, 438, 521-524, 712, 719-720, 736
Ardrey, Robert 514
Aristotle 148
Armageddon, battle of 1295
arms race. See warfare
arrested development 709-710
Arthur, King. See King Arthur
Aryans 912-914
Asfaw, Berhane 407
Assyrians 913-915
atheism 1070
Attenborough, David 607
Australia: critical role 1037, 1272-1276, 1283-1285
Australian Aborigine 811; degradation 764; Dreamtime 181; nurturing 728, 748, 976; relative innocence 170, 184, 743-745, 862-868; rock art picture 834
Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC): defamation 573, 604, 607, 1078; left-wing 1099
Australopithecus 411, 706, 713, 740
Australopithecus afarensis 712, 720, 724, 733
Australopithecus africanus 410, 706, 712, 726-727, 733
Australopithecus boisei 706, 712, 733-735
Australopithecus robustus 733-735
autism 749, 945-947, 962, 966-973, 980-981, 987, 994-995, 1244-1246
Aztecs 910
Babe: film 1277
baboons 430; strong-willed females 445
Baby Boomers. See generations
Bacon, Francis (artist) 681, 834; Study for self-portrait picture 124-125
Bacon, Francis (philosopher) 582
Badrian, Alison and Noel 430, 527
Bantu 1028, 1031, 1039, 1041, 1044
Bardot, Brigitte 785-786
Basquiat, Jean-Michel: picture 1059
‘Baywatch effect’ 1052
BBC: left-wing 1099
Beatles, The 108. See also Lennon, John
beauty of women. See women
Beethoven, Ludwig van: Ninth Symphony 1049
Belyaev, Dmitri 547
Berdyaev, Nikolai: fear blocks knowledge 14, 120, 237, 582; God-fearing 330; Golden Age 181, 237, 378; human soul is divided 188, 237, 245; on escapism 1069; on human condition 236-237
Berlin, Irving 790
Berman, Harold J. 1107
Berry, Chuck 1291; Sweet Little Sixteen 897
Bible: Adam and Eve 155-156; Bible demystified 751, 1067-1068; Cain and Abel 906-908, 1282; David and Goliath 1262; fire symbol 332; Four Horsemen 946; Garden of Eden 155-156; Jacob and Esau 906, 908, 1282; judgment day 1153; marriage 784; miracles 934-935; Noah’s Ark 750-751; old order passed 218, 1148, 1217; on dishonest intellectualism 611; on love 321-323; original innocence 180; repository of truth 751, 927, 1123; the abomination that causes desolation 1111-1142; Trinity explained 746, 1067; Virgin Mary 796, 1066-1067. See also Abraham, Christ, Christianity, Daniel, Genesis, Hosea, Isaiah, Jacob, Job, Joel, Micah, Moses, (Saint) Paul
bipedalism 391-392, 398-401, 404, 413
bipolar disorder 952. See also depression
Birch, Charles: on consciousness 625; on mechanistic thinking 225, 625, 642, 1155; on order 337; on power addict fathers 1012; Science Friction 32; support from 25, 607, page 2
Bird, Richard 337
Blake, William: Albion Arose picture 234; Cringing in Terror picture 98; doors of perception 996, 1148; marriage of heaven and hell 290; on Christ’s innocence 744; the Bard 1037; Tiger, Tiger 1144
Bloom, Allan: Closing of American Mind 1103; on Plato 129
Bloom, Harold 1101
Blount, Ben 527
Blues Brothers: film 280
Bohm, David 337
Bono 1062, 1287-1290; love comes to town 1255, 1287; on Australia 1283; ruins to the right 1049, 1288; streets have no name 218. See also U2
bonobos: at Milwaukee Zoo 455-467; bipedal 413; bipedalism pictures 413; consciousness of 426-429, 638, 669, 693-694, 718; denial of their significance 512-518, 524, 525-535, 544-561, 563, 566; equivalent of our ancestor 183, 411, 735-737; evidence Golden Age 450-454; food-sharing 208; forgotten ape 461, 516; group picture 416; hunting 208, 443; infancy period 440-441; Kanzi 427, 452, 454; Kanzi picture 418; Kanzi and Matata picture 375, 717; love-indoctrination 411-476; maternalism 416; matriarchal 409, 416, 444; neoteny 434-438; nest and sharing pictures 413; nurturing 440-443, 511; nurturing picture 417, 477; sex as appeasement 415-416; skeleton like ‘Lucy’ 720; Specie Individual 415-416; strong-willed females 444-449; threatened species 455, 465-466; vocalisation 415
‘born again’ 886-887, 925-931, 1169, 1199-1200
brain. See consciousness
Brain Initiatives 28, 603-605, 645, 698, 1061-1062, 1243
brain volume increase 707, 714, 842-843
branching development 733-737
British 1017, 1034, 1036, 1043
Bronowski, Jacob: loss of nerve 1117, 1145, 1179; the child wonder 486
Brooks, David 1062
Bruno, Giordano 599
Buddhism 180, 218, 469, 1069, 1148, 1217; great religion 1045
bullying 731